Yeast Mask for Hair

"Hair is our pride, is it true, Mom?" Exclaims the girl from advertising about the well-known hair care product, and it's hard not to agree with her. Lush, thick hair of long wavy or curly hair, or braids thick in the arm to the waist from time immemorial were considered the best adornment of a girl, a girl and a woman. But only whether expensive advertising means it is possible to achieve such brilliant effect?

Our great-great-grandmothers did not have such care, but they looked even better than modern top models - what's the secret? Everything is very simple: nature helped them. Let's move away from fashion trends and turn our attention to folk wisdom. Today we will make a yeast mask for the volume and growth of hair, creating it from simple home remedies.

What is good about yeast in the form of a mask for hair growth?

But before constructing the yeast mask recipes for the hair and testing their effects, let's see if it really is useful for the yeast itself . If anyone does not know, yeast is a living food fungus that grows and multiplies on its own. They contain a huge amount of useful substances that enter the human body only with food and serve as real bricks for building it. What kind of building materials are these?

  1. These proteins are proteins, similar in composition to proteins of meat, fish and dairy products. It is from such proteins that our skin and hair, internal organs and some constituent bloods are composed.
  2. This is almost all essential amino acids, which are also not synthesized in the body, but get there with food. In yeast is almost the entire set of these substances, all 20 pieces.
  3. These are vitamins, of which only the madman knows about the benefits. The yeast contains a whole store of vitamins B , C, PP, A and E. By the way, the last 2 are responsible for the beauty and youth of the skin, the density and elasticity of the hair, and for the renewal of our entire body.
  4. This is a whole arsenal of trace elements, such as: zinc, copper, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and much more.

As you can see, yeast is a real Klondike of health, but only for its 100% efficiency there is one small but important nuance. Yeasts like acids and sweets, so we will make masks from them, observing this cunning.

Recipes of a yeast mask for growth and volume of hair

So, yeast, kefir and honey are the most simple and affordable ingredients of yeast hair mask for every housewife, we will begin with them.

Kefir-yeast mask for hair

Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed pressed yeast and fill them with 2 tbsp. l. slightly warmed kefir. Blend the mixture thoroughly so that both components become a homogeneous mass. Consistency of the mixture should be like that of thick sour cream.

For volume and better nutrition, add 1 tbsp. l. any sour cream, mix everything again and apply a mask on the parting to clean hair. Put on a beach cap, wrap your head with a terry towel, and after 15-20 minutes rinse your hair comfortably with warm water. Any yeast mask for hair, based on a mixture of yeast and yogurt, perfectly nourishes and strengthens the roots and promotes the growth of hair shafts.

Honey yeast mask

1 tbsp. l pounded yeast pour 2-3 tbsp. l. milk and mix thoroughly. In the end, you should get a mixture, like a thick sour cream. If you suddenly find a little milk, you can pour. Then add 1 tbsp. l. olive or burdock oil and 1 tbsp. l. any honey. If the honey thickens, it can be melt in a water bath. Once again, everything is mixed and repeat the actions from the previous recipe. Keep the mask for 12-15 minutes, and then wash the hair under running water.

Egg-yeast mask

1 tbsp. l. dry yeast dilute a small amount of warm boiled water so that the consistency of half-sour cream is obtained. Stuff in 1 chicken egg and mix everything thoroughly. Further we proceed as described in the first recipe, that is, we apply the mask to clean hair, wrap ourselves, and after 15 minutes rinse the hair with warm running water.