Curd from ryazhenka

If earlier you had to cook cottage cheese from milk, then the product from ryazhenka will not become difficult for you. Tasty and fat, it has a slightly more pronounced milky flavor with the notes characteristic of a burger. Cooking such a curd can be prepared "cold way", on the stove or in the multivark - all three options we will consider in the recipes further.

Recipe for homemade cottage cheese from ryazhenka

First, let's take up the so-called "cold recipe" of cottage cheese, that is, a recipe that does not require any heat treatment of the product. All that is required of you - this time, so the "cold" cottage cheese is better to start cooking in the evening, if you plan to eat it in the morning.

Nothing but a liter of bikini is useful to us. So, a liter package of fermented baked milk is completely frozen and placed in a bag of several layers of gauze. We hang the pouch over a saucepan into which the whey will drip, and leave it in this position for the night. The next morning you will be waiting for about 300 grams of soft cottage cheese from a ryazhenka, reminiscent of mascarpone in its consistency, and about 700 ml of fresh whey.

How to cook cottage cheese?

This is a more classic thermal method of cooking cottage cheese, for which you will need not only a burger, but also milk.

So, the milk is mixed with fermented milk in a proportion of 1: 1 and poured into a small saucepan. We put the saucepan on a water bath and leave the mixture until it breaks down into the serum and the cottage cheese itself. After the separation has occurred, leave the mixture stand for about 15 minutes, and then throw the cottage cheese into a colander, covered with gauze. To get a gentle cottage cheese leave cottage cheese to drain about 2 hours, for a more dense product it is better to hang a gauze pouch for the night.

Cottage cheese from a burger in a multivark

The principle of cooking cottage cheese from a burger in a multivarck is not much different from previous recipe. For preparation, you can use a slightly acidified product, or its mixture with milk, similar to the previous recipe.

So, sour fermented ryazhenka poured into the bowl multivarka and turn on the "Heating" or "Keeping heat" for 35-40 minutes. The mass will be divided into fermented baked milk and, directly, the cottage cheese itself. Curd layer carefully removed from the surface, trying not to damage and shift it into the gauze pouch. Suspend the bag, leaving the remainder of the whey to drain, and then remove the cottage cheese and let it cool.