Osteoporosis of the spine

What do you think, what should the ladies fear after the termination of the childbearing period of life and the onset of menopause? Tides, problems with pressure, weight gain, crawling out of the other individual ailments depending on heredity? All is correct, but there is one more problem of women of a climacteric age - an osteoporosis of a backbone. Let's take a closer look at this sore today, talk about where and from whom it often appears and how it can be prevented or treated.

Where does osteoporosis take the spine?

In general, osteoporosis is the destruction of bone tissue due to the washing out of it of calcium, the building material of our skeleton. This disease is found in men, but much less often than in women, and its development in the stronger sex begins after 60 years, when the women this malady can be detected as early as 50 and even 45 years.

Where does this nasty destructor of our health come from? The thing is that with the onset of menopause in the female body hormones that affect the accumulation of calcium cease to be produced, and it gradually begins to be consumed and removed from the body. The most rapid accumulation and assimilation of this mineral occurs in childhood and adolescence, when we grow. Then, during the course of a lifetime, the necessary level of calcium is maintained with the help of special hormones, and at an advanced age it is gradually wasted. But if a woman watches herself in the elderly, eats properly, actively moves and remains in the open air, this waste is very slow and rational. But with osteoporosis, calcium leaves our bones so quickly that after a few years of illness they look like trunks of trees, eaten by bugs of woodworm. The result of this "bug" work will, of course, be the fragility of bones and the risk of fractures.

Osteoporosis of the spine: treatment

But until such a deplorable state reaches only those who treat their health devil-may-carely. If you start treatment for osteoporosis of the spine no later than three years after the onset of menopause, you can recover fairly quickly and continue to live a normal life. Well, if you have not only reached menopausal age, but also suffer from gastritis with reduced secretion or metabolic diseases, or you have had radiation procedures, or your mother or grandmother suffered from osteoporosis, you just need to visit a rheumatologist and make appropriate tests.

If the tests confirm the presence of osteoporosis of the spine, the doctor will necessarily prescribe to you a competent treatment of medications and fizeoprocedures, massage, exercise therapy, etc. Help in the treatment will be proper nutrition, sufficient stay in the sun and recipes of traditional medicine.

Preparations for osteoporosis

What are the drugs prescribed for osteoporosis? First, containing calcium and vitamin D, without which calcium is simply not digested. Secondly, painkillers, because with osteoporosis, joints are often very painful. Well, and thirdly, hormones are estrogens, because it is because of their lack of all the cheese boron and flares up.

Osteoporosis: Traditional Treatment

And here are a few folk recipes for the adjunctive therapy of this ailment.

  1. Take the calcium from the egg. Take half a glass of lemon juice and a good cognac. Drain the mixture in a bowl with a dark glass and immerse in it 1 egg. Keep it in a mixture of 2 weeks in a dark warm place. Then remove the egg, only gently, otherwise it will lose its hardness, and drink a mixture of 1 tsp. in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Let's wake up the stomach. If you have low acidity, then drink 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day of broths of bitter herbs - wormwood, tansy, gentian, etc.
  3. Hormones, ay! To support their female hormonal sphere, follow courses for 10 days in turns to drink grass with phytohormonal effect. For example, boron uterus, red brush, hops, red clover, medicinal sage.

Well, and of course, do not forget about the diet. Eat more fish and dairy products, greens of lettuce and celery, more often be in the sun, and everything will be wonderful for you.