Unpleasant sensations after urination

Unpleasant sensations after urination (burning, itching) in medicine are described by the term dysuria. As the vaccine, the onset of this disease is quite acute: spontaneously there is a urge to urinate, but urine may not be excreted.


The causes of discomfort after urination in women can be many. The main ones are:

The most common cause of these manifestations is cystitis. It arises as a result of the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the urethra, which causes inflammation.

In addition, itching, discomfort in the urethra after urination in women can be caused by a disruption in the functioning of the peripheral as well as the central nervous system.

The feeling of tingling and tingling after urination is often experienced by women suffering from urolithiasis, as well as tumor-like diseases.

These diseases do not occur spontaneously, but are a consequence of the lack of timely treatment. Therefore, at the first appearance of these manifestations, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will put an accurate diagnosis.


Together with a feeling of itching, burning in the vagina after urination, often there is a weight. It is caused by the fact that in the inflammatory process there is a spasm of the muscles after urination, as a result of which the woman can not completely empty the bladder. As a result, there is a delay in urine, which only complicates the woman's condition, which can lead to the development of chronic diseases. After a long delay in urine as a result of the urinating, a woman notes the appearance of irritation, which is caused by prolonged exposure to urine on the urethra.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation can be different. In addition to the above, a woman is often concerned about pain localized in the lower abdomen, accompanied by frequent, false urge to act of urination. However, the woman does not notice a feeling of emptying after urinating, she wants to write more.


In order to correctly identify the cause of these manifestations, the uroginekologic physician is assigned a number of examinations, including: cystoscopy, ultrasound of the bladder, PCR for sexual infections. They help to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If a suspected acute cystitis is suspected, the woman is taken urine for bacteriological examination to isolate the causative agent of the disease and prescribe the appropriate antibiotic therapy.


Treatment of this kind of disease completely depends on the reasons that caused them. So, with cystitis, antibiotic treatment is performed, after the type of pathogen is established.

With urolithiasis, which also has the above-described manifestations, drugs are used whose action is directed to excretion of calculi from the kidneys. If they are large, they are crushed by ultrasound.

When stating such a diagnosis as acute inflammation of the bladder, antibiotics from the group of cephalosporins are prescribed. In severe cases, drugs are injected directly into the bladder cavity.

All treatment should occur only in accordance with medical prescriptions and under the supervision of a doctor, which will lead to a rapid recovery, and the woman will return to normal life.