The first anniversary of the wedding

The first anniversary of the wedding is called chintz, which carries a certain symbolism and ambiguity. As you know, the first year of family relations is quite a difficult test for the couple, because they only know each other, learn to solve problems together and find compromises. Therefore, the first anniversary of the wedding is called in honor of a thin and fragile material, since it is believed that the relationship at this stage is also fragile. On the other hand, the cloth is simple, light and airy, and the first anniversary of the wedding is so called, because it symbolizes the simplicity and ease of relations, because in the first year of the couple are still full of passion and love for each other, which allows them to easily overcome everyday turmoil. And the celebration of the first anniversary of the wedding is also symbolic. Having lived together for a year, and having recognized each other better, the spouses seem to confirm all those oaths of love and fidelity that were pronounced on the day of the marriage. Of course, such a solemn event can not go unnoticed or become an ordinary feast.

How to celebrate the first anniversary of the wedding?

To start, the couple must decide how to celebrate the first anniversary of the wedding - together, in a narrow circle of relatives or invite all friends and relatives. In the west, for example, it becomes popular to play repeated weddings. Thus, the spouses remind each other of the feelings they experienced before the altar for the first time. Of course, it's not necessary to arrange a wedding every year, but you can also celebrate the anniversary in another way. If it is decided to spend this day alone, then you need to take care in advance that no business will prevent the celebration. It can be candlelight dinner and a trip, or visit the places dear to the heart, where the first meeting took place, the first recognition, the first kiss. In general, together, the couple can spend an anniversary on any scenario, because this is the first conquered peak in family life.

To celebrate with family and friends, you can make an entertainment program that would emphasize the significance of the holiday. And if the first anniversary of the wedding approaches, and how to celebrate and what to give, it is not decided yet, then it is quite possible to use people's symbols. So long there is a custom, according to which young give each other calico handkerchiefs. Saying the oath of love and fidelity, "knots of love" are fastened on the kerchiefs, and then these handkerchiefs are kept throughout the whole family life. Of course, besides handkerchiefs, you can think of other gifts.

What to give for the first anniversary of the wedding?

The name of the first anniversary of the wedding encompasses the meaning and symbolism of the holiday, which can be based on the choice of gifts. Newlyweds can give each other everything that embodies love and tenderness, a willingness to spend together all their lives. First of all, of course, what to give for the first anniversary of the wedding depends on the preferences of the spouses, on their way of life and the special moments lived together. You can give each other and travel, and an interesting adventure. But it is better to avoid practical gifts, because such an event happens only once in a lifetime, and, consequently, the gift should be the most unusual. For invited guests and relatives, the question of what to give for the first anniversary of the wedding is much simpler, thanks to folk traditions. It so happened that on this day it is customary to give bed linens, tablecloths, aprons. Although in our days it is not necessary that they are exclusively cotton products, but in the old days they gave everything that was associated with this fabric. A gift for the first anniversary of the wedding can be exclusive, for example, textile products with portraits of spouses. Guests can make a joint gift, for example, to print a real magazine or newspaper, where there would be stories from the life of young people, funny cases from childhood, dating history, wedding history, as well as useful advice to spouses. You can choose a photo of the newlyweds, on which they look with tenderness at each other, and with the help of computer graphics to grow old faces, while not changing their view. Such a "portrait of the future" may be a kind of desire to preserve love until old age.