Rules of conduct in the family

An ideal family does not have ideal rules because of the fact that such families simply do not exist. Although, of course, everyone has their own understanding of the ideal and we all strive for it. Today, let's talk about the rules by which every self-respecting family should live.

If the schools taught disciplines that highlight the moments of family life, values ​​and traditions, then the success of marriages would certainly increase. Young people who enter into a sacred union often do not have an idea of ​​what kind of work it is.

We follow the rules

A married life must necessarily begin with truth and sincerity in relation to each other. The future spouses should be aware of their actions, be confident in choosing the chosen one.

A family is a small society that, in order to live in peace, must establish its own little laws and respect them. The moral rules of the family include:

The rules of communication and relations in the family should be based on recognition of the role of each member of the family. All of us somehow play social roles. With the parents, each of us performs the role of a child, at work we are colleagues, colleagues, in the institute - students. In the family, as in any society, we also have certain "parties". A woman acts as a wife and mother. This means that taking care of the husband and the children is paramount for her. Respect for the spouse, recognition that he is the head of the family, love and the desire to be with him as one whole - this attitude should be seen by the children. They are very observant, "fix" every word and copy their parents in everything. Therefore, they should show a worthy example.

The spouse, in turn, is obliged to get used to the role of a caring husband and father, a defender of people who are dear and close to him. Trembling attitude towards a woman, respect and admiration for her. In no event can apply physical strength, not to mention the fact that such a "manner of communication" used in front of children. It's low, mean and immoral.

Trust and respect between children and parents is very important. If a mother can become a true friend and adviser to her daughter, many problems in upbringing will be avoided. And do not forget to instill in children elementary rules of etiquette, which originate in the family. Respect for elders, a culture of communication and behavior, the rules of drinking etiquette - for all this the child will then necessarily say to you: "Thank you!".