Fus ablation of uterine fibroids

Very many women suffer from various gynecological diseases. And one of the most common is a benign tumor - myoma of the uterus . It does not give metastases, but can grow to large sizes and severely disrupt the work of female organs. In recent years, a non-surgical method of removing this tumor appeared, which was called fuz-ablation. This modern way to combat myoma has proved very good.

Advantages of fuz-ablation before surgical treatment

  1. Fuz-ablation of fibroids is a bloodless method, after which no stitches and scars remain.
  2. The rehabilitation period after treatment is very short.
  3. Fuz-ablation of uterine fibroids makes it possible to influence several tumor sites and a large lesion area.
  4. The treatment does not use anesthesia, which is very important for certain diseases.
  5. After the exposure, the reproductive function is preserved, since no adhesions are formed after the operation.

What is the essence of fuz-MRI ablation?

This method of treatment is based on the effect of sound waves on the tissue. It consists in the fact that the tumor is affected by focused ultrasound. The process takes place under the control of MRI and lasts about three hours. Usually sound waves do not cause any damage to the tissues, but when they focus, heating up to 80 degrees and burning out the tumor occurs.

If the procedure is performed incorrectly, a burn of the intra-abdominal area or sciatic nerve neuralgia, which could be affected by sound waves, is sometimes possible. Treatment is performed only in a professional clinic and after a thorough examination, because this procedure is not shown to everyone.

Fus ablation of uterine fibroids - contraindications

This method of treatment is contraindicated if:

But in the absence of pronounced contraindications fuz-ablation of uterine fibroids is the most sparing method of treating a tumor.