Insomnia with menopause

Sleep disturbance is a rather common manifestation of menopause in women. According to statistics, during the period of extinction of reproductive activity, every third patient can not fully sleep.

The Dangers of Insomnia

Lack of healthy sleep is not a safe phenomenon. Against the background of chronic lack of sleep, diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular system can develop. A woman experiencing a sleep disorder with menopause becomes even more irritated, broken and inattentive. In this state it is impossible to concentrate on work, take care of relatives, etc. Usually during the daytime the woman experiences insuperable drowsiness, but at night can not close her eyes or wakes up several times, hardly falling asleep again. It is very dangerous to ignore insomnia with menopause. If you can not rest for more than a week, it's time to take urgent measures, until the body is exhausted to the limit.

Ways to restore healthy sleep

The night rest should be preceded by a series of procedures, which due to lack of time and a lot of domestic troubles a woman does not always manage to implement.

Healthy sleep contributes:

On the contrary, before going to sleep you can not:

Begin the treatment of insomnia with menopause should be exactly the implementation of the above recommendations. If the problems with sleep do not disappear despite all the efforts, it is extremely important to consult a doctor who will prescribe a sleeping pill. Such drugs are of a variety of nature, many of them are of plant origin, therefore they will not harm. It's very dangerous to take sleeping pills yourself!

Herbs for insomnia

Improve sleep with climax will help people's recipes.

  1. Tea made from mint and lemon balm - the herbs are brewed in a cup and drunk half an hour before bedtime.
  2. Broth from sorrel - dry leaves (1 spoon) pour a glass of boiling water; after insisting for an hour, the remedy can be drunk 50 ml before meals three times a day.
  3. Tincture of rosemary - leaves (3 tablespoons) insist 3 days on alcohol (1 glass). After percolation, the drug is taken 25 drops before meals three times a day.
  4. Decoction of blue cyanosis - crushed roots of a plant (1 spoon) pour 200 ml of water and heat for a couple (water bath) for half an hour. The cooled down means in 15 minutes it is possible to accept under the scheme: 3 - 4 spoons after a meal. The broth is stored in the refrigerator.

Other manifestations of menopause

The extinction of the reproductive activity of the female organism is accompanied not only by insomnia, but also:

These manifestations of menopause are caused by a drop in the level of estrogens and estradiol and, on the contrary, elevated levels of luteinizing, follicle-stimulating hormone and gonadotropins in the blood. With high cholesterol, hormonal adjustment is particularly painful, because long before menopause a woman needs to begin to lead a maximally healthy lifestyle: to move more, to eat properly, to watch the weight.

Depression in menopause

The greatest danger from all manifestations of the climacteric period is a depressive state. He is diagnosed if a woman for two weeks is in a depressed apathetic state, not interested in favorite things, feels a sense of fear and inferiority. Usually, women avoid the company, isolate themselves from loved ones, do not go to contact. This further increases the depression in menopause. Such a state is extremely dangerous in the presence of suicidal mood, therefore, with the slightest signs, one should immediately consult a doctor, remembering that depression is not a feminine whim, but a very serious mental disorder that, fortunately, gives in to treatment.