Bloody discharge a week after menstruation

Bloody discharge, observed a week after the last menstruation, usually cause panic in women who are monitoring their health. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. Consider the most common of them.

What causes postmenstrual bleeding?

First of all, the doctors call gynecological diseases among the causes of bloody discharge that appeared one week after menstruation.

In the first place of such violations it is possible to put endometritis. It is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus, which can provoke the release of blood after menstruation. Typically, this is observed in the chronic form of the disease.

Bloody discharge a week after the end of the month can talk about a disease like endometriosis. In this case, the girl notes the appearance of an unpleasant odor of the secretions themselves.

Myoma of the uterus can also be accompanied by such symptoms. In general, this is typical for such a form of disorder, in which the myomatous nodes are localized in the submucosal layer of the uterus.

What physiological disorders can be accompanied by postmenstrual secretions?

When a woman at a doctor's appointment says that she has spotted blood a week after the menstrual period, the specialist first of all asks about the regularity of the menstrual cycle. The fact is that this phenomenon can be nothing else than early ovulation, in which a small amount of blood from the genital tract may appear. Recall that in normal this process occurs on the 12-14 day of the cycle, but for some reason can be shifted.

Also, if a week after the menstrual bleeding began, then this can also speak of a disruption in the endocrine system. In particular, this is noted with a decrease in blood levels of thyroid-stimulating hormones.