Interesting facts about love

Love is an all-conquering feeling, without which the life of people would be empty. She is dedicated to ode, writes poetry, for her perform feats. However, not all people are able to experience and give love . In this article interesting facts about love.

Interesting facts about love

  1. The desire to love from a biological point of view is akin to the desire to satisfy hunger and copulate.
  2. Scientists say that romantic love or a candy-bouquet period can not last more than 1,5-3 years, because all this time the body works on wear and spends a lot of energy. And biologists claim that it is so conceived by nature itself, because such a term guaranteed that the father of the family will protect and protect the mother of his child and the child in the most difficult period for them, which was especially important in ancient times.
  3. The facts about love include this: to feel loved and desired, a woman needs to talk with a partner face to face, and a man is much more important to work with a partner side by side or playing.
  4. Women subconsciously choose a partner with pronounced cheekbones and a strong jaw, as this is a sign of a high level of testosterone in the body. Interest in men with this appearance especially increases during ovulation .
  5. Scientists claim that before getting married, a person experiences 7 loves. And that his union was happy, you should meet a dozen partners and choose among them the most long-term and this is another fact about love.
  6. In a state of love a person feels better, less often sick. He has a desire to work, to pursue a hobby. About lovers say: "It flies like a wings."
  7. The faces of couples who are together for a long time, become more and more similar with time.
  8. If a man on a first date looks intently into the eyes of a woman for at least 8.2 seconds, then he fell in love.