Mastitis - treatment at home

In most cases, the treatment of mastitis takes place at home. The thing is that a young mother often does not have anyone to leave a newborn baby with. Therefore, a woman, faced with this situation, tries to solve the problem on her own.

What should I do when developing mastitis?

When treating mastitis at home, a young mother should follow the following recommendations:

  1. The affected breast is best tied with a kerchief to reduce the pressure of milk produced on the glandular tissue.
  2. Do not apply the baby to a sick chest.
  3. Regularly and carefully decant breast milk . Before carrying out this manipulation, it is not superfluous to treat the surface of the breast with an antiseptic.
  4. If an abscess has already formed on the site of the lesion, a sterile napkin moistened in a 2% solution of hydrogen peroxide should be applied to the affected area. In the presence of purulent discharge, breast-feeding should be stopped completely.

What folk remedies help cope with mastitis?

Very often in the treatment of mastitis at home, women resort to the help of folk remedies. As a rule, various herbal preparations are used, from which tinctures, ointments are made.

So, perfectly copes with this disease ointment, prepared from the seeds of plantain. For its preparation take 2-4 tablespoons of plantain seeds of large, which is pounded into powder, poured warm, boiled water, until the formation of gruel. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected chest.

Leaves of small lime leaves are also often used. Apply it as poultices and lotions, using a cooked broth. As a rule, the young mother does not have enough time for anything. Therefore, an excellent option for the treatment of mastitis will be the use of freshly grated carrots, as well as white cabbage leaves, which are simply applied to the chest.