How are abortions done and what to expect after termination of pregnancy?

Having decided on a responsible operation to terminate a pregnancy, a woman often takes an interest in a doctor: how to have an abortion, what methods exist. Let us consider in detail this process, the methods of conducting, the possible consequences and complications.

Abortion - Species

Before the interruption of pregnancy , physicians conduct a conversation with the patient about the possible negative consequences of manipulation. Many after having had an abortion have difficulty with conception. After making the final decision, the girl needs to go to a women's consultation, where you can get information about the existing types of abortive operations and the timing of their implementation.

In gynecological practice, several methods of abortion are used. When choosing a particular doctor, they are guided by the period of pregnancy, the age of the patient, taking into account the presence of pregnancies in the past. Among the existing methods:

Abortion tablets

When a drug abortion is performed, the drugs used in the manipulation cause the death of the fetal egg, which then exits. The procedure is performed exclusively on small terms, with small embryo sizes. Talking about how medical abortion is occurring, it must be said that its effectiveness is 98%. It is carried out in medical institutions, under the supervision of doctors. At the first stage, they suggest that you drink a drug that causes the death of the embryo, after which the drug expels the embryo (Mifepreston and Misoprostol).


Vacuum aspiration, the second name of mini-abortion, is a surgical method of interrupting gestation. It is held on small terms. The operation lasts no more than 10 minutes. With the help of a special aspirator with a tip, doctors spend suctioning the fetal egg from the uterine cavity. It is done by creating a vacuum. Due to the lack of a strong connection between the embryo and the uterine wall, detachment is easy. The disadvantage of this method is the possibility of incomplete removal of the fetal tissues from the uterine cavity. As a result, there is a risk of infection of the uterus.

Medical abortion

This type of abortion is used at later periods, when the embryo can not leave the uterine cavity independently (because of its size). The operation is performed using anesthetics. Talking about how this type of abortion occurs, doctors draw the attention of patients to the similarity of it with the usual operation on the reproductive system. After the installation of gynecological mirrors, make the extension of the cervix. Having access to the uterine cavity, the curette is used for complete scraping - removal of the fetal egg along with the endometrium.

Abortion - artificial delivery

Speaking about how abortion occurs in late terms, doctors note the lack of the possibility of carrying out the procedure at the mere desire of a pregnant woman. To carry out such manipulation, good reasons are necessary. The choice of methods for carrying it out depends on the condition of the woman, the presence or absence of chronic diseases. In the absence of contraindications, a special solution (hypertonic sodium chlorine) is injected into the amniotic fluid through the cervix, which causes fetal death. The next step in the bloodstream of the pregnant woman is injected with drugs that increase uterine contractility.

Interruption of pregnancy by folk remedies

Abortion at home is a dangerous, life threatening procedure. Methods such as a warm bath with mustard powder, visiting the bath, lifting weights, can adversely affect the health of women. These manipulations provoke a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Increased pressure inside the vessels of the small pelvis, provoked by uterine contractions, as a result of which the embryo is expelled outside.

It must be taken into account that the abortive components used can not always lead to a 100% result. As a result, there is a risk of infectious infection - the areas of the embryo tissue remaining in the uterine cavity begin to fester. The situation requires medical intervention, cleaning the uterine cavity. In addition, there is a risk of developing uterine bleeding when using folk abortifacients and methods. Lack of qualified care for bleeding can lead to death.

Indications for abortion

Short-term abortion is more often performed at the request of the woman herself. However, there are also so-called indications for abortion. They are divided into medical and social. The first include diseases that are incompatible with the life of the fetus - there is a miscarriage, the child is born with anomalies and vices. Abortion can be prescribed for medications, when the very process of pregnancy is undesirable for the woman's organism - a tumor in the small pelvis, a recent miscarriage.

Social reasons are used to refer to those reasons that are due, both to the health of the mother, and to the conditions of her life - dysfunctional families, the presence of genetic diseases in the genus. In such cases, the medical commission decides to have an abortion. In this case, the desire of the woman herself is also taken into account. The list of indications for abortion for social reasons is different for different states, and is defined in the order of the Ministry of Health.

Interruption of pregnancy due to medical conditions

Interruption of pregnancy by vacuum aspiration is carried out and for medical reasons. Such are indicated in the normative documents of the Ministry of Health. If a woman has a pathology or is unable to carry a baby, the date of the operation is appointed. The choice of method depends on the duration of gestation, the presence of concomitant pathologies. Among the common medical indications for interruption of pregnancy are:

Interruption of pregnancy according to social indications

In the presence of such evidence, interruption of pregnancy by pills is carried out in a hospital. The list of social indications may differ, and depends on the country of residence of the pregnant woman. So in the CIS countries, the main social indications for abortion are:

Abortion - deadlines

Not always, if there is a desire for a pregnant woman, abortion can be carried out - the timing of this operation is determined. In the absence of medical indications, abortion measures are allowed up to 12 weeks. This abortion is considered to be early. Do it doctors can and later - 12-22 weeks, when there are medications. Depending on the gestation period, the method of surgical intervention is chosen. Speaking about the way abortion is done on a short term, doctors call medical and mini-abortion.

Early abortion

When a woman wishes to terminate a pregnancy at the very beginning, doctors use a medical abortion, the terms of which up to 5 weeks of gestation inclusive. Doctors can diagnose pregnancy with ultrasound at 3 weeks. If you suspect a pregnancy that is not desirable, you should contact your gynecologist. The absence of surgical, hardware intervention is an advantage of medical abortion, the consequences of which are minimal for the organism.

Vacuum-abortion is possible until 7 weeks . Has a greater efficacy than the above, but there are risks of trauma to the uterine walls. Often, for a short time, aspiration can be used as a control of a medabort. Complete removal of the remains of the embryonic tissue prevents the development of complications of an inflammatory and infectious nature.

Abortion in the late term

Telling about how to make abortion in the early stages, we note that it is possible in 2-3 trimesters. Interruption of pregnancy in late terms is possible only for medical reasons. The process itself resembles births - the stimulation of the birth process is also done. If there is a need for urgent fetal extraction, caesarean (rarely) can be used. At manipulation use transabdominal or transcervical introduction of special solutions (through the abdominal wall or uterine neck).

Before you have an abortion, a special catheter is inserted into the neck canal, after which the fetal bladder is reached and punctured, a hypertonic solution is injected. Calculation of the necessary fluid is performed taking into account the gestation period - 6 ml for 1 week. Instead of hypertonic sodium chloride solution, glucose is often used 20% solution. After this, drugs that provoke uterine contractions are introduced.

Abortion - complications

Complications after an abortion occur several days after the manipulation. They can be connected, both with the wrong implementation of the abortion algorithm, and with the course of the recovery period. Among the frequent complications of abortion:

Consequences of abortion

There is no safe kind of abortion. At the same time, there is no dependence of the consequences of how abortion is done. It is also not safe to call medical abortion, the consequences of which can be troubling after a few months or years. Often, having a history of abortion, women make complaints about violations of the menstrual cycle: the regularity is lost, the volume changes. Hormonal failure always occurs, regardless of how a woman is aborted. It directly breaks the glands function. Their dysfunction provokes other diseases and disorders: