Acute cystitis - treatment

Cystitis is one of the most common urological diseases among women, which is caused by inflammation of the bladder .

Statistics show that most often this disease occurs during active sexual life (20-40 years). Acute cystitis can develop due to the peculiarities of the structure of the genito-urinary organs, non-observance of intimate hygiene, infections, and medication.

Symptoms of acute cystitis in women

Before you start treatment for acute cystitis, you need to understand exactly what is really cystitis. For acute inflammation of the bladder, the following three symptoms are typical:

How to treat acute cystitis?

The main task of treatment in acute cystitis is reduced to the early removal of symptoms of the disease and prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

How to cure cystitis so that complications do not occur, only the doctor knows, so one should not resort to self-treatment without having to pass the appropriate tests and consult a specialist.

The basis for the treatment of acute cystitis of bacterial origin are antibiotics. For this, special antibacterial drugs are used, which have an effect only on the urinary organs. Among them are fluoroquinolones, Monural, 5-NOC.

The treatment regimen for acute cystitis also involves the use of symptomatic therapy with analgesics-antispasmodics, since pain with cystitis appears precisely due to spasmodic smooth muscle of the bladder. For this, drugs such as Papaverin, Drotaverin, Atropine are used.

In addition, great importance in the treatment of acute inflammation of the bladder, have:

  1. Heat . The effect is warming the bladder with a warm water bottle, various physiotherapy procedures that help to cure spasms and facilitate the course of the disease.
  2. Abundant drink . During an acute cystitis it is necessary to drink a lot of liquid in order to wash out toxins from the bladder. It is best to drink birch sap, cranberry juice. In order to remove the itching and ease the general condition, take non-carbonated mineral water, calcium and magnesium citrate, baking soda solution.
  3. Diet . For the time of illness, do not use spices, salt, alcohol.

As folk remedies for acute cystitis are a variety of medicinal herbs that have a diuretic and uroseptic effect (bearberry, horsetail, nettle, bear ears, St. John's wort, cornflower).