How to make coffee liqueur at home?

Today you will learn from our article how to make coffee liqueur at home. Such a drink will be a great alternative to purchased alcoholic cocktails. And its unusual taste and delicate exquisite aroma can not be compared with anything else.

Coffee Liqueur at home



In the water we pour out the sugar, mix it and bring the liquid to a boil. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes, stirring. Then reduce the heating, pour in the coffee and take the drink off the fire. Cool the liquid to room temperature, throw the vanilla extract and pour in the vodka. We send dishes with liquor for 2-4 weeks in a dark, calm place, and then we remove from the sediment, filter and dispense into glasses. That's all, coffee liquor at home on vodka is ready!

The recipe for coffee liquor



Sugar and coffee are flooded with water, bring the liquid to a boil and boil for an hour. Then remove the dishes, cover and insist 12 hours. After that, pour in the vodka, throw the vanilla, mix well and pour the drink over the dark bottles.

Coffee and milk liqueur



Coffee, cinnamon and vanillin are poured into a clean jar, pour in vodka and insist for about 7 days, sometimes shaking the mixture. Further, we filter the drink through gauze, add sugar, milk and cold water. Stir and insist the liquor for 5 more days, and then pour on the beautiful bottles and store in the refrigerator.

Coffee liqueur with condensed milk at home



Cream high fatness beat the mixer with vanillin and gradually, without turning off the device, we introduce condensed milk and throw coffee. Thoroughly mix everything, pour the resulting mixture with vodka and insist the drink 1,5 hours. Next, the coffee-cream liqueur at home conditions we cool and we pass to tasting, pouring a cocktail over glass glasses.