Decoding of ultrasound of the liver

Diagnosis of diseases of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity necessarily includes ultrasound. No less significant is the correct description of the results of ultrasound of the liver - the transcript should reflect the state of the main hepatological indicators, their compliance with normal values ​​or deviation from them.

Dimensions of the liver on ultrasound - the norm in adults

The length and width of the organ is of great importance, since an increase or vice versa, a decrease in the liver indicates the course of the pathological process. If it is larger than the established size, most likely, a person suffers from one of the types of hepatitis or cirrhosis . With these diseases, the parenchyma is gradually replaced by a connective tissue that has an excessive volume.

Norms of liver size by ultrasound in adults:

Any deviation, even the smallest, should be recorded by an x-ray in the description of an ultrasound study indicating the degree of deviation from the normal indices in centimeters.

Decoding of ultrasound of the liver - results and norm

The lower corner of the organ must have a pointed shape. In the region of the left lobe, its value should not exceed 45 degrees, the right - 75 degrees.

In the center, under normal conditions, the portal vein is clearly visible, just below it the right hepatic vein along the longitudinal section is visualized.

The contours of the healthy liver are almost uniform throughout the perimeter, clear. The organ has a homogeneous structure with the same intensity distribution, a uniform image of blood vessels, ligaments and other echostructures. The lower hollow vein is reflected as a ribbon-like echo-negative formation with a diameter of no more than 15 mm.

The portal vein, which is formed from the splenic and upper-sulphurous veins, must flow into the gates of the liver. The internal ducts are devoid of walls, can be traced implicitly, the lumen should increase, starting from the periphery.

In general, the norm of the indicators of ultrasound of the liver is a clear and even contour of the organ with a sagittal size of 9 to 12 cm and good sound conductivity. In size, the echoes are homogeneous, evenly distributed. On the periphery, portal vessels with a more pronounced wall echostructure can be traced than the surrounding parenchyma.

Decoding of ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder

As a rule, these organs are always described together, because the liver and gall bladder are anatomically and functionally closely related.

The longitudinal size of the bladder is normally 5-7 cm, the thickness of the walls is from 2 to 3 mm. The internal space of the organ contains a small amount of bile with a uniform, uniform consistency.

The protocols for the communication of the gallbladder, liver and duodenum are numerous, but for diagnosis it is important to estimate the diameter of the common duct, normally this figure is 6-9 mm.

An increase in the size of the gallbladder may indicate an excess of biological fluid in it, a decrease in the dyskinesia of bile ducts in a hypermotor form.

During ultrasound, it is easy to detect cholecystitis at any stage, as the examination clearly shows the sediment in the bile or the presence of stones of various sizes.

As for the ducts, pathological phenomena are considered areas with dilatation or constriction, as well as neoplasms in the form of cysts.

Bracing and flapping inside the gallbladder, polyps and similar anomalies do not require special treatment if it does not interfere with the normal outflow of bile and digestion.