Polyoxidonium - tablets with unique possibilities

The preparation Polyoxidonium belongs to the group of immunostimulating agents of the new generation. It is invented by Russian scientists, has been used for about twenty years, and today the medicine has no analogues. Forms of release: tablets, suppositories, powder for injections. We learn how and for what use Polyoxidonium tablets.

Polyoxidonium - tablet composition

The considered dosage form of the preparation Polyoxidonium, the composition of which is represented by one active and several auxiliary ingredients, is a yellowish colored tablet with a risk, without a coat. The main component is azoximer bromide, and in one tablet it is contained in the amount of 12 g. It is a synthetic water-soluble polymer compound possessing unique properties, which are confirmed by numerous studies. Auxiliary connections:

Polyoxidonium - indications for use

The main purpose of the drug is to increase the resistance of the body to local and generalized infections of various nature and localization. The mechanism of its effect is associated with the activation of the ability of leukocyte cells to phagocytize (destroy) pathogens, stimulating the production of essential substances for the immune system - cytokines, antibodies, lymphoid cells. In this case, the effect on the synthesis of cytokines by the drug occurs only at initially low and medium indices, i.e. Polyoxidonium acts selectively.

As a result of taking the medication, the entire immune system is activated, actively counteracting viral, bacterial and fungal infectious agents. In addition, Polyokidonium in tablets has such effects:

Due to this wide range of activities in medical practice, Polyoxidonium, the indications of which are considered, is recommended in such cases:

Use the drug and with a preventive purpose, and as part of complex or monotherapy of pathologies. It should be noted that in case of oncology Polyoxidonium tablets are not used, but the injectable form of the drug is used to increase the resistance to infections and detoxification after chemotherapy. At the same time on the course and prognosis of the cancer itself, this medicine does not exert any influence.

How to take Polyoxidonium in tablets?

After determining the diagnosis, severity and severity of the pathological process, the doctor can recommend how to take Polyoxidonium in each case. Tablets are taken in two ways:

Can I take Polyoxidonium during illness?

Polyoxidonium, the use of which is justified for a variety of infectious diseases, can be used both in the period of remission of chronic diseases and in the acute phase. Due to the use of this drug, the degree of damage to healthy tissues is substantially reduced, toxic effects are reduced, and the duration of the disease is shortened. Its most effective use is simultaneously with etiotropic drugs that eliminate causative pathological factors.

Can I take Polyoxidonium with antibiotics?

Considering how to correctly take Polyoxidonium, many are interested in the possibility of taking these tablets in parallel with antibiotic drugs. In the instructions to this medicine it is noted that it is compatible with many drugs, including antibiotics. Polyoxidonium can be prescribed both after and before taking antibacterial agents, which helps to achieve more efficient elimination of the pathogen from the body.

In addition, Polyoxidonium (tablets) can be used in complex therapy with antiviral drugs, antimycotics, antiallergic drugs, bronchodilators, beta-adrenomimetics, hormone-containing drugs. In some cases, by taking the immunomodulator under consideration, it is possible to reduce several times the dose of one of the listed drugs taken together, or to shorten the duration of therapy.

How often can I take Polyoxidonium?

When administering Polyoxidonium tablets, the dosage is selected taking into account several factors: the age of the patient, the type of disease, the severity and phase of the disease, the individual characteristics of the organism and the accompanying pathologies. Often, the drug is used daily for 1-3 doses of 1-2 tablets (12 mg or 24 mg). There are schemes in which tablets are taken every other day or twice a week. The reception takes place 20-30 minutes before the meal.

How long can I take Polyoxidonium?

The drug regimens in tableted form provide courses of continuous use lasting from 5 to 15 days. How much you can take Polyoxidonium, should determine the doctor who prescribes this medicine. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after three to four months, and the effectiveness of the application can be assessed using an immunogram.

Polyoxidonium - contraindications for use

Let's enumerate the limitations and contra-indications of Polyoxidonium in tableted form:

Analogues Polyoxidonium in tablets

According to the active substance, the preparation in question has no substitutes. Therefore, let us list which Polyoxidonium analogues have in the form of tablets according to the therapeutic effect: