Cracked skin on fingers

Our hands are always in sight - in transport, at work, at home we do everything with our hands. Naturally, dozens of people watch our hands daily. Therefore, the fingers need to be given proper attention so that they have a decent appearance. Unfortunately, my hands do not always look the way I'd like. Diseases of the skin, lack of vitamins and cold give our palms not the best kind. One of the most common problems are cracks in the skin of the hands. To get rid of this trouble you need to make efforts and, first of all, eliminate the cause of the appearance of cracks.

Why does the skin crack?

There are a number of reasons that cause the skin to crack on the fingers and on the palms. These reasons can be external and internal. The most common external causes are:

All these reasons can lead to the fact that a healthy person is drying and cracking the skin of the hands. To identify the exact cause, you should take into account the time of the year - as a rule, in winter, the skin on the hands crack much more.

Cracks in the skin of the fingers may appear due to any problems in the body. The most common internal causes are:

In this case, cracks can appear between the fingers of fingers, at the fingertips and on the palms. If you can not determine for yourself why the skin on your fingers, or on the palms of your hands, you should consult a dermatologist.

How to treat cracks on fingers?

If the skin on the hands and fingers cracks under the influence of external stimuli, then it is necessary to limit contact with unfavorable factors and engage in treatment. If cracks are shallow and rarely appear, you can try to get rid of them at home.

First, you should use gloves during washing, cleaning and dishwashing. Any means of household chemicals adversely affects the skin.

Secondly, for washing hands to use a decoction of herbs that have antiseptic effect - plantain, chamomile, linden.

Third, wash your hands with mild soap. An excellent option is any child.

Fourth, the skin of the hands must be moistened daily. Humidification prevents roughness of the skin and its cracking. On a well-moisturized skin, much more quickly heal any wounds. Also, in the pharmacy you can buy an ointment from cracks in the hands with a healing effect.

If the hands regularly appear deep cracks that cause severe inconveniences and do not heal for a long time - it is necessary to see the doctor. Such cracks on the fingers should be treated with special ointments and medications. The doctor will be able to objectively assess the situation, if necessary, take a scrap for analysis and prescribe treatment. If cracks are caused by a fungus or infection, self-medication may be completely ineffective or even harmful.

The skin at the fingertips crack, if the body lacks vitamins. This phenomenon is most often observed in winter, and this problem is solved by the intake of a complex of vitamins.

It is much easier for every woman to prevent cracks in her hands than to treat them. To do this, you must protect your hands from cold, chemicals and dryness, and also provide the necessary nutrition for the skin. Daily care and careful attitude allow us to never again face such a problem as a crack on the skin of the hands.