Modern concepts of education

The issue of upbringing remains relevant for many decades. Entire generations of parents, educators and teachers are trying to find the ideal model for the development of skills in children. However, as they say, how many people, so many opinions. The search for the best model of education led to the emergence of several areas in the field of pedagogy. And so that you can understand which one is right for your child, let's consider the main modern concepts of upbringing.

Modern approaches and concepts of education

In the process of searching for and determining the driving forces of upbringing and its structural elements, a special section of pedagogy was formed called "The Theory of Education". In the field of his study all classical and modern concepts in which education was considered from various positions fell. The emergence of this section as early as the nineteenth century was laid by K.D. Ushinsky, who wrote the manual "Man as an object of education: the experience of pedagogical anthropology." Following him in the 20-30 years. XX century, a huge contribution to the theory of education introduced by A.S. Makarenko in his works: "The purpose of education," "Methods of educational work," "Lectures on the education of children," etc.

Modern concepts and theories of upbringing have many authors, which are researchers in the field of the formation of the human personality and the role of the teacher in the process of child upbringing and development.

Modern concepts of teaching and upbringing include several basic theories, the founders of which are outstanding philosophers and psychologists:

In the 60-70's. The twentieth century saw the emergence of the so-called technological approach to education and upbringing. Its essence lies in the systematic and consistent installation in practice of a pre-planned educational process. Thanks to this approach, many modern concepts and technologies of education have acquired specific features of the process of interaction with the pupil:

General patterns of modern concepts of education

Despite the difference in approaches, the characterization of modern concepts of education is built on general patterns:

According to the strategies for modernizing education in Russia, modern concepts of personal education today have several main directions:

Modern concepts of education are aimed, first of all, at the formation in the child of a cultural personality. Despite the fact that many social institutions still use obsolete models of upbringing, the state seeks to improve this system so that the younger generation has the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of modern society and with the help of the latest technologies.