Eidetic for preschoolers

The meaning of the term "eidetika", which is increasingly used today in various spheres, is not clear to everyone. In translation from Greek, "eidos" means "image." What is this technique? What relation images have to the development of thinking? What is the scope of the technique called "eidetika"?


Eidathism refers to the special character of human memory, focused on fixing visual impressions, which allow the brain to retain and reproduce the living images of phenomena or objects perceived earlier. It is worth noting that these images are supplemented with auditory, taste, olfactory and tactile sensations. In psychology, eidetism implies the possibility of reproducing the image of an object in detail, even if this subject is not in sight. In terms of terms, the physiological basis of the eidetic images is the residual excitations of the analyzers.

Eidetism is more typical for preschool and school-age children. The features of their memory make it easy to associate letters and numbers with objects and phenomena, which facilitates the process of perception and memorization. That's why as a method of memory development eidetics is widely used for teaching preschool children and schoolchildren. This is due to the fact that in the first years of life in children, the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for orientation in space and intuition, is more developed than the left one. That is why exercises on the eidetic system are more effective for preschool children. If you use this method of training in accordance with physiological processes, the results will be excellent.

Using eidetics methods

Unfortunately, the educational process in most children's preschool institutions in post-Soviet countries is based on methods based on mechanical memory and logical thinking. At school, children are also forced to memorize boring and not always understandable rules, schemes, multiplication tables , etc. In the senior classes, formulas, algorithms, and memorization of texts in foreign languages ​​are added to this. These methods run counter to the nature of the development of the human brain, cause discomfort in schoolchildren.

In contrast to the traditional system, eidetic takes into account the natural processes of child development. The preschooler learns new material with pleasure. The basic principles of this methodology are based on the following:

Before starting classes on the eidetic system, you should familiarize yourself with the algorithm that helps to remember the information. This algorithm consists of four items:

  1. The child's belief in the correctness of his actions and abilities.
  2. The correct preparation for the memorization process.
  3. Work with educational material using eidetic methods.
  4. Repetition of the material passed.

The atmosphere during classes should be relaxed, fun. If all the requirements are taken into account, the use of this unique technique will necessarily affect the development of the memory of the preschool child, his attentiveness and thinking. The child will enjoy the lessons, and the learning material will be assimilated faster and easier.