Brigitte Macron: "Emmanuel was never my student"

The first lady of France does not like empty and meaningful phrases, the veracity of words has always pleasantly surprised her interlocutors. She easily cites world classics of literature and philosophy, loves Flaubert and Baudelaire, delicately feels theatrical productions and categorically disagrees to be a hermit in the Elysee Palace. What should be the ideal first lady? It's hard to say, but a mother of many children, a woman who was happy in her second marriage, a successful literary teacher and the head of a theater studio in the past, entered into the life of Emmanuel Macron, the French president.

As Brigitte confessed, she did not fully believe that her husband would become president of France and she would assume the role of first lady:

"For some reason, many were convinced that we felt like winners from the very beginning. This is not true, we are realists and until the end of the "race" we had doubts. But now, in a new role, I feel quite comfortable. I was frightened of the curse of the Elysee Palace and the fact that our relationship with my husband will crack, but I treated this with humor. I am an incorrigible optimist and in everything I find positive moments. Why aggravate? The only thing I do not like is when I'm addressed not by name, but by the First Lady. I'm not the first, not the second, and certainly not the last, I am I! "

Brigitte argues that despite the huge number of obligations and attached security, she does not feel unfree:

"There was not born that person who could limit me! I leave the palace every day, accompanied by bodyguards, calmly communicate with people, if necessary, I go for a walk. And if I hide behind dark glasses, a hat and a scarf, it's hard to see among ordinary citizens. I do not see the need to close from people. "

"To be a teacher is a great happiness!" - says Brigitte and shares his memories:

"For me, teaching is happiness, pride and great pleasure. I was interested in working with children and teenagers, I remembered my youth problems and pain, paralleled the characters in books, taught me to "listen and hear" myself. It is important for me that they grow up with people with critical thinking and appreciate and respect in each person a person. I hope I succeeded. "

Journalists have repeatedly assessed the conjugal union of Brigitte and Emmanuelle Macron through the prism of a huge age difference, citing the fact that she was his teacher at the school:

"This is stupid, Emmanuel was never my student at school, but attended a theater studio. There we were on the rights of "colleagues", wrote together plays, analyzed roles and heroes - these were creative and friendly relations. When we are trying to reproach the difference in age, I always reply that we do not notice it! Of course, I perfectly see my wrinkles and his youth, but this is not the reason to give up love! In addition, our relationship began later, and before that we only allowed ourselves communication and nothing more! I do not regret anything, although it was difficult for my children to make my decision. In any parting there are grievances, wounds, but there is also the beginning of something more - love. Over time, understanding came, but at first it was hard. For me it was a vital choice! "
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Brigitte noted that when trying to rethink the past or read about their relationship, it seems to her that this is someone else's story:

"We often come up with reasons to give up happiness and love. What for? It's simple - love! "