Kara Delevin named her idols and shared her plans for the future

The model has repeatedly recognized that a career in fashion and beauty industry is just a stage to conquer Hollywood! Now Kara successfully removed for glossy magazines and participates in the fashion show, introducing fashion houses of famous couturiers, and simultaneously scans the scenarios. The year has just begun and again the expected take-off, 25-year-old Delevin became the face of the Dior cosmetic line. But what about dreams about cinema? Due to the purposefulness of the girl, career development of the actress is a matter of time!

Delevin became the face of the brand Dior

For what do Caru Delevin like fashion designers and photographers? Freedom-loving, spontaneous, resolute girl contrives to combine an adult approach to work, youthful lightness and female sex appeal - it is this type of model and actress that conquers modern producers and designers. According to Kara, no one believed in her success:

"As a child, I was insanely lonely and nobody believed in me. Especially, it was not that I was going to be a model or an actress. I overcame my own complexes and fears, now from that little girl there is nothing left, only memories and conclusions drawn. "

The heroine of the generation of millenials and forty-one million followers in Instagram has already appeared in the pictures "Peng: Journey to Netlandia", "Squad of suicides", "Valerian and the city of thousands of planets", and again surprised by writing a song for the soundtrack along with Farrell Williams! Who inspires and is the idol of the Muse of Christière Dior? Kara frankly shared her thoughts on women whom she considers to be idols:

"Now I have become one of the most influential women in the art world, like Natalie Portman, Jennifer Lawrence, Charlize Theron, Rihanna. It is a great honor and a heavy burden, you have to comply with the declared standards! I'm close to the motto of the brand Dior: "Yesterday - in the past, and tomorrow - too late. We need to act decisively here and now! "I go without a backward glance to the goal and bow to the same women who are not afraid to make decisions and defend their point of view. Their names are heard: Tilda Swinton, Reese Witherspoon, Natalie Portman, Angelina Jolie, Meryl Streep, my friends Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Thompson - they are heroines not only for me, but for many girls of my generation. "

What is the secret of such perseverance and strength? Is it only in character? Kara admitted that she devotes much time to nutrition and a healthy lifestyle:

"Yoga is an obligatory part of my day, regardless of the schedule. I'm selective in food, I like vegetables, fish, but I can not resist the rich and caloric traditional English breakfast. In general, England - this is the country where I feel happy, here my family and friends. Each of them fills me with energy and strength to overcome any obstacles to the dream! "
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And what about the dream? Kara Delevin does not disclose all the secrets, but now she is picking up the next picture and would be pleased to play the role of a strong and confident woman!