Ivanka Trump told about her personal life

The daughter of Donald Trump Ivanka six months ago was admitted into the staff of the administration of the American president and even moved to the capital together with the family for the sake of a new appointment. Ivanka completely and with great interest plunged into the work, than very proud.

Despite the high workload in the responsible post, Ivanka Trump - an excellent mother and exemplary wife. In an interview with USWeekly, she told how difficult it is for her to combine caring for children with an intense rhythm of work, but she does not complain, and tries to correctly prioritize. Ivanka said that the family has its own traditions and customs. For example, every morning they breakfast together with their whole family, although the husband, Jerad Kouchner, complains Ivanka, is always in a great hurry and, therefore, eating one toast on the move, immediately runs to work.

Time for loved ones

The president's daughter confesses that she has very little personal time, and all that she manages to allocate for herself is two hours before the children wake up. But in the evening Ivanka always hurries home to have time to put her favorite children to bed:

"When I look in the children's room and see them smiling sweetly in my sleep, each time I feel incredibly happy."

For a long time now she has not paid attention to the general opinion and numerous reports of printed publications about her person.

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Weekends are favorite days of Ivanka Trump. This is the only time when you can safely rest and enjoy socializing with your family, especially since, according to the canons of Judaism, there can not be any cases on Saturday:

"Sometimes we deal with some issues, but more often we just enjoy having a joint weekend."