Sand in the kidneys - treatment at home

The easiest way to remove sand from the kidneys is to drink as much water as possible - two to three liters per day. It is necessary to conduct a course of treatment with herbal preparations for at least a month or two. Before starting the excretion of sand, it is necessary to pass the tests and find out the chemical composition of the formations in order to select the correct means for treatment.

Treatment of kidneys at home and removal of sand

For sand, which has a phosphate and oxalate chemical composition, broths from herbs will suit:

To remove sand, you can drink not only herbal decoctions, but also sour juices and fruit drinks. During the treatment should be removed from the diet products containing oxalic acid, salted, smoked products, cookies.

Treatment of kidney sand by folk remedies

Traditional medicine is very rich in various methods for treating kidneys and methods of excretion of sand by folk remedies. The simplest ways:

  1. Watermelon diet with a small amount of dried rye bread.
  2. Cucumber unloading week.

Here are some of the effective recipes for treating and removing sand from the kidneys.

Recipe # 1


Preparation and use

Cut the apples into slices. Pour apple slices with water, put on fire. Allow to boil and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from heat, wrap and insist for 2 hours. Drink instead of tea or coffee every day.

Recipe # 2


Preparation and use

Wash, dry and grind the leaves of the grapes, pour water. Put in a dark place for 3 days. Take half a cup three times a day for a month.

Recipe # 3


Preparation and use

Millet pour water and put on a slow fire. Cook for 3-4 minutes after boiling. Remove from heat, insist until white foam forms. Strain water. Drink in small sips throughout the day (millet can be boiled, salt and eat as a porridge or put in soup).

Kidney sand - treatment with medication

Modern pharmacology is rich in good herbal preparations for soft excretion of sand from the kidneys:

  1. Urolesan - has a diuretic and antispasmodic effect.
  2. Cyston - reduces the amount of calcium in the urine by securing small particles of sand and removing them painlessly.
  3. Kanefon - reduces pain, improves kidney function, is suitable during pregnancy.
  4. Phytolysin - anesthetizes, softens small stones, painlessly displays them.