The value of sleep by the hour

It has been scientifically proven that people who do not regularly get enough sleep can not make fully adequate decisions throughout their waking hours. All this is due to the fact that the body is tired. He needs a full-fledged dream, the value of which can be judged by the clock, for each of its phases.

The energy value of sleep

Before proceeding to a more detailed examination of such a rich value of sleep, one should mention its stages, more precisely the stages of slow sleep, the duration of which reaches 90 minutes:

The illnesses of many people are due, first of all, to the fact that an insufficient amount of sleep hours are devoted to rest. After all, at different times it has different values ​​for the restoration of every cell of the human body. In addition, it is chronic lack of sleep that opens the door to many ailments.

During sleep, the body's energy forces are restored, psychological defense is strengthened, nerve cell depletion is prevented, muscle fibers are restored.

The value of sleep at a certain time of day

To say exactly how much a person needs to sleep is impossible. After all, this indicator depends on individual characteristics, age changes and the regime of the day. So, the baby sleeps at least 10 hours, preschoolers - about 7 hours.

Experts say that in order to be healthy, you should sleep at least 10 hours. So, below is a table that perfectly shows the value of sleep by the hour. Thanks to these data, everyone has the right to make up their own sleep patterns. Of course, the optimal time for night rest is the period until midnight. It is then that every cell of the body is restored.


In the period of 22-24 hours there is, say, a reboot of the nervous system. If the person for some reason does not go to the kingdom of Morpheus at this time, then her nerves will be at the limit. As a result, the body will require a day's rest. If it is not given, memory impairment, retardation of reactions are the main companions of lack of sleep.

If we consider the value of sleep by the clock from the point of view of esoteric knowledge, then we can safely say that those who manage to regain their strength and awaken at 3-4 in the morning can easily develop their abilities. After all, now the world provides such an opportunity.

4-5 hours is a period of good mood for the whole day, the time of the sun.

5-6 - the world is dominated by calm, and in the interval from 6 to 7 people is reserved for optimal vitality.

The value of sleep during the day

Knowingly in the kindergarten children are laid in the afternoon to sleep. After all, even if it's a short one, a break for sleep increases the efficiency, the ability to concentrate on 50%, and even 60% more. Many noticed that you often want to sleep between 3-5 hours in the morning and 13-15 hours. This is due to the fact that in this period the body temperature reaches its minimum.

American physiologists found that daytime rest beneficially affects the speed of the visual reaction of any person. So, according to research, in the afternoon it is equal to 10 milliseconds, in the evening - already 40. If the body at least a little rested during the day, then the rate of this rate remains at around 10.

It is important to remember that it is not recommended to sleep for more than 30 minutes. Otherwise, you can wake up with a headache or in an irritated state.