How quickly to return the husband to the family with prayers?

No one will be surprised at the information that the man left the family, and the reasons for this may be completely different. Women react to such actions in different ways: someone rejoices long overdue separation, and others make every possible attempt to save the family. In this case, you can use magic and ask for help from the Higher Powers.

How to return the husband to the family with prayers?

As you know, words have tremendous power and energy, which can have both destructive and creative character. There are special prayers that allow you to return your loved one, but you need to read them only if you have faith in a positive result. Church magic is considered especially effective for solving family problems, but all actions should be for good.

There is a strong prayer to return the husband to the family, which must be read after sunset. It is necessary to take a photograph of the spouse or some personal thing. On it you need to put your left hand and say these words:

"As the Sun was clear in the sky, did not find a place, so you, the servant of God (name of the husband), you can not find a place without me. In the morning the sun will rise and again in the evening again in its nest to return. So also to you one way - in the family, to the wife, the servant of God (the name). May it be so. Amen".

If the Higher Powers decide that the departed man should not be near, then no prayers will help him to return. Rituals to return help remove obstacles that prevent you from reuniting with your loved one. Every day you need to read a prayer to Peter and Fevronia, which reads:

"Saints and miracle workers,

Great God Peter and Princess Fevronia!

I turn to you, I pray in sorrow,

Bring my prayers to the Lord God,

Ask him for me faith, truth, hope, grace, and great love!

Help me, servant of God (your name),

With the slave of God (the name of the husband) to unite forever and live together all his life!

Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Another effective way how to quickly return a husband to the family with prayers, involves the use of dolls, which are made from candles or improvised materials. The ritual must be performed on the waning moon. The doll, personifying the husband, must necessarily have male genital organs, and on the chest it is necessary to write the first letter of his name. On the doll that represents the woman, the first letter of her name should be written. They need to be folded face to face and tied with a red tape. During this it is necessary to say such a prayer:

"The servants of God (your name and wife) are inseparable as heaven and earth, like twins joined by love and passion. No one will separate us, no one will break these words. Conspiracy is strong, as I said, so it will be. Amen".

Then the dolls should be wrapped in a natural fabric and tied with a red thread.

In most cases, a man from a family goes to another woman, but you can handle this situation. Enormous force has a prayer to return her husband to the family from his mistress. It is important to use it only if there is complete certainty that with this man you want to live your whole life. Every day, in a whisper, read this prayer :

"Lord, my defender, I trust in you, servant of God (name), and to the Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos with all the Holy Saints. I bring to you my unworthy prayer with a request for help at a difficult hour. Help me to return my spouse to my family (name). Reunite me with my beloved, let us cleave to one another forever.

O Lord, Most Holy Theotokos, Holy Saints, create a great miracle and return the servant of God whom I love (name), save him from the passions of fierce and demonic temptation. Amen "to read the prayer 3 times a day for a week."

There is another effective ritual of church magic that will allow the spouse to return to the family if he went to his mistress. It is best to start on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday at midnight. To conduct the ritual you need not made-up, without jewelry, except for a cross, and from clothes there should be only a nightdress. One more condition - open the window. It is necessary to take a glass of holy water and put his own wedding ring into it and three times to say such a conspiracy:

"How do you, the water, come from the wedding ring at the top, at the bottom you will go out, so that my husband (name) from the servant of God (the name of the rival) went out, and entered my house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After that, drink forty water in small sips.

How will they bring the spellbound husband to the family?

Many women to get the man they liked are ready for much, even though he is married. Using various spells and conspiracies of black magic, they manage to cloud the object of adoring reason and take it away from the family. Usual persuasions, tears and threats do not fix the situation, but you can use the rituals of white magic.

It is necessary to conduct the rite in total solitude and it is important that nothing should interfere with this. It is necessary to face to the east, to sink to the right knee, and to clasp hands in the castle, and loudly say such a conspiracy:

"The snake crawled into our house - bitten, in all his body a hated sting. Now she hisses, commands, he bends his head in front of her. There is Christ the Savior in Paradise palace, and in that palace the beauty of an unwritten casket. It's worth it, it's been standing for a long time, it keeps the holy saber. The handle of that saber is gold, the saber itself is not simple. Oh, God's Angel, you come, and take that sword in your hands. You drag a snake's head, you sting it. Let it not take away the mind of the servant of God (the name of the husband), so that the angry devil does not command them anymore. Do not let her torment him, command the slave of God (the name of her husband). Tyn - in the rear, the door - the doors, the cross - the crosses. My word is strong, my business is sticky! Key! Castle! Language! Amen!"

There is another ritual that will force the husband to remember about the family. You need to spend it at sunset. Pour water into the pan from the tap and put on a small fire to boil. Looking at how the bubbles rise to the surface of the liquid, say these words:

"How this water boils and boils - boils, as it evaporates and sinks, so the stone heart of my spouse, the servant of God (the name of my husband), should boil and boil, sinking for me, it must cry and howl, and howl and howl. Not only for me, for my lawful wife, the servant of God (my name), but also for the whole family. So that he could not step without her, so that he could not without the family, so that he could not live without the family, so that he could see it in a dream and in reality, both during the day and at night. He will run fast, home to hurry, will be happy to return home to his wife. What is said by me, it will come true. Amen!"

Repeat the plot three times, and after pour the boiling water aside, where the husband is with another woman.