Social status and social health of the individual

The concept of "social status" has several definitions, but the essence remains unchanged. This is a step that a person has in the team, an inexhaustible source that allows you to influence people and get those or other benefits. The collective guarantees the public distribution of members of society for several statuses.

What is social status?

Social status is a social state that occupies a person in a collective. It is calculated on the basis of indicators that are specific for this or that society: prosperity, nationality, age. This status is determined by opportunities, education, the ability to behave in public. The first such concept was introduced by the historian Henry Man, but the word itself appeared in Ancient Rome. For many years, two definitions were formed:

  1. Legal status of a person or organization.
  2. The position of the individual in the team, which determines his rights and duties in relation to others.

Types of social statuses

Every person from birth has not one social status of a person: a student, daughter, granddaughter, sister, club member. This ranking helps people interact, determines the circle of responsibility for compliance with the rules. Sociologists distinguish three types of social positions:

  1. Born : gender, race, nationality.
  2. Acquired or achieved : the level that the person took, at the cost of his efforts.
  3. Prescribed : a place in the team, occupied, regardless of the desire: age, position in the family.

To determine the social status of an individual, such signs are developed:

Prescribed social status

The prescribed social status of a person is obtained at birth, it can not be changed genetically, except for sex. This also includes family relations - a son, brother or uncle, a person remains for life. Acquired social status includes variable components, this is the place that an individual takes in society or a family. The concept of "husband" or "wife" refers to family relationships, but enter into the status acquired.

Taking into account all existing provisions, each person determines for himself the main status to which he determines himself. More often it concerns professional activity or social status. In this case incompatibility may arise, sociologists determine 2 such cases:

  1. If the person in one group is on a high position, and in another - much lower.
  2. If the powers and direct responsibilities of one status interfere with their fulfillment in another.

Achieved social status

Achieved social status is what the personality achieves through its own efforts: a deputy, a politician, a professor, a researcher. This applies not only to success, the definition of "homeless" or "vagabond" also refers to this term. The social situation determines the behavior of a person, the ability to talk, dress, communicate. Very often it is difficult for individuals to combine different statuses, it's hard for a good mother to remain a well-known business lady, responsibilities begin to conflict, and one has to make choices that are not always easy and pleasant, but you can not do without it.

Almost every achieved social status of a person has insignia:

How are social status and social role related?

In society, social status and social role are inextricably linked. A social role is an example of behavior that corresponds to the status, taking into account the requirements of the team. In the 19th century, the higher world demanded strict adherence to a certain etiquette, if a person did not do this, ignoring the social role, he also lost his status in society. If the head of the family is obliged to provide relatives, but does not cope with this role, then she passes to another person in the circle of relatives.

Social status and social health

Sociologists call social health a very important aspect - the state of the organism, which characterizes the ability of the individual to have contact with society. It is formed during life, under the influence of parents, comrades, classmates and colleagues, while determining the social status of a person. There are 2 most important components of social health:

  1. Morality: moral and ethical qualities and values ​​for personal behavior.
  2. Values ​​in the work activity: the principles of the manager, the subordinate.

How to improve social status?

Many people want to have a higher social status, which is a natural desire of man. Is it possible to change the social status of an individual? Quite, but this work is not for one year, requiring considerable effort. A few recommendations on what is needed to raise their position in society:

  1. Improve self-esteem . Identify the negative aspects of personality, from the appearance to the ability to dress and behave, try to make correct adjustments.
  2. Pay attention to physical development . Enroll in a section or on fitness, you can choose a sport, popular in circles, where I would like to rotate.
  3. Make a plan for the development of intelligence . Identify a list of museums worth visiting, books - read, films - to see. The choice should be made in the light of the tastes of the chosen society. The more a person knows and knows, the higher his social status.
  4. Work on voice and diction . It is best to seek professional advice.
  5. Overcome social fears . To make new acquaintances at meetings or parties, concerts, interesting get-togethers. You can start with virtual communication on the right forums, this will help to gain experience and avoid mistakes in real life.