Lies to salvation

Absolutely truthful people are not, we all lie. Someone resorts to deception in exceptional cases, for some, lies are part of everyday life, someone lies with bad intent, and someone believes that his lies are aimed at good. Here's the last phenomenon I want to talk more about, because we often hear about the destructive effect of deception, and if so, can he save someone?

Lies in the Name of Salvation

In order to answer the question whether a lie is needed in the name of salvation, it is necessary to understand what exactly we mean by this notion.

Often lie for salvation is confused with the so-called white lie. This is a polite deception, which goes, not wanting to offend another person. This type of deception, the husband telling his wife that she did not get fat, despite the fact that the arrow of the weights is approaching the 100 mark, a young man telling an ugly girl that she is lovely, etc. This type of lie does not always cause blame, and in some cultures even is considered a courtesy. Between this type of lie and flattery is a very fine line, if a person begins to embellish another in order to gain, then this is an obvious flattery, and no courtesy.

A real lie for salvation can be divided into two types: a lie for the benefit of another person and lies for the rescue of one's own soft spot. The first type includes a lie to a seriously ill person to save him from unrest, lie to a child that his dad was a test pilot and died as a hero so that he does not feel defective, etc. In such a lie, many do not see anything shameful, since they go on a deal with their conscience for the benefit of another person, in their eyes such deception is noble.

The second type of lies for own salvation is blamed more often, because there is no question of nobility, the person behaves like an egotist, spit on the feelings of other people. However, people often resort to such deceptions much more often: being late for work, we often embellish the road situation, not wanting to go with a shopaholic friend in the third week running in the shops, we recall the grief of washing, a small child, who was asked to sit by a neighbor and etc.

A little lie for salvation or truth?

That's an insoluble dilemma, between truth and lies and there's nothing to choose! This opinion is held by a large number of people (although 80% of them will lie on occasion), they even doubt whether there is a lie for salvation. After all, if the deception opens, it will be bad for the deceiver and the deceived. We can say that a lie is a sin, it is impossible to lie under any circumstances and bring many sentimental stories, in which a lie led to a tragic resolution of the situation, we are not in Sunday school. We are all adults and we understand perfectly well that it will not work without deceit, such is the human nature, but you will not go against it. Therefore choosing between the truth and the lie, you need not think about the moral side of your behavior, and try to soberly assess the situation and evaluate what will be more harmful - affectionate deception or ruthless truth. Take at least the case with a seriously ill person. To tell Is he truth about his condition or not? And then everything depends on the person, if he is a plaintive and a whiner, then a truthful story will in most cases aggravate the situation, forcing the crybaby to get unstuck and believe that he has only one way left - to the churchyard. But the personality with a fighting character can not be lied, the exact information only motivates it to actions leading to a speedy recovery. Moreover, it is dangerous to deceive such a person, if deception reveals itself, serious resentment can not be avoided, you can even be suspected of malicious concealment of the truth.

So any lie requires a sensible approach, not every lie for salvation is good, and not every deception is evil.