How to learn to speak beautifully?

A person who knows how to speak beautifully, always causes jealousy in the mumbler, who can not connect two words. And the ability to speak beautifully can be very useful in life. For example, when communicating with examiners, customers, suppliers, and the ability to tell interesting stories to friends, it also does not hurt.

What does it mean to speak beautifully?

Many of those who want to know how to learn to speak beautifully, do not know what it really means. Therefore, having stamped my foot and saying, I want to learn how to speak beautifully, find a few lessons in speech technology and stop there. But only after mastering the techniques of right breathing, or pulling up the diction, one can not become an excellent orator. To be able to speak beautifully is a whole art, there are so many nuances that you can only learn about everyone at special courses and trainings. But not everyone needs such skill, many just need to improve their speaking skills a little. In this case, special tricks do not need to be known - clearly enough, clearly, and most importantly, competently to talk. A man who distorts his native speech is simply unpleasant to listen to.

How to learn to speak beautifully and correctly?

  1. Few are born with the ability to speak beautifully, everyone else has to master this science. Therefore, we should not disregard the drawing up of a plan of speech. Try to think through all the details, prepare and rehearse the cues, maybe they will sound somewhat mechanically, but this is better than indistinct mumbling.
  2. How to learn to speak beautifully and competently? Many things have been said about the benefits of reading, but it's not a sin to repeat it-read more, the genre is not important, the main thing is that it's really quality literature, and not a quick stamping, in which there are more mistakes than in the first-form essay. If necessary, read and professional literature, "argo" is available in every field of activity and it is necessary to know this secret language.
  3. We learn to speak beautifully and correctly. Look more often at dictionaries, misplaced stresses and borrowed words, used out of place - the scourge of modern society. If you are not sure about the meaning of a foreign word, replace it with a synonym for your native speech - maybe it will not sound very impressive, but you will not get into a mess, calling regression a remission.
  4. Rehearse your performances in front of a mirror or loved ones. Learn to change intonation, express emotions by lowering (increasing) the tone of the voice or speeding up (slowing down) the tempo of speech. Start small, do not immediately take serious reports, tell anecdotes, pronounce toasts. Gradually you will learn to own your voice, and no one will have a question "this is you now outraged or sorry."
  5. It's no secret that there are different styles of speech, and there are also different manners of the narrative. Remember the institute lecturer, few of the venerable professors spoke vividly, with the intonations of the satirical writer. And on a friendly sit-down the mentor's tone is completely inappropriate. Therefore, we learn to speak beautifully, changing the style of narration. Try to become an actress for a minute, read the same passage of the text (poem) in different ways, as if you are speaking before the board of directors, then you pass the exam to the theater school, and then try to make friends laugh.
  6. Learn proper breathing, correct diction. This will help special exercises, tongue twisters and nuts in the mouth.
  7. Reflect on the topic of interest, writing a monologue for the recorder. After listen and analyze the heard. Mark the errors and shortcomings. Periodically, so test yourself until you get rid of all the shortcomings of your speech.