How to obtain US citizenship?

Many people want to move to America for permanent residence, but in order to enjoy all the rights of a citizen of this country, one must not only buy a ticket and find work there, but also know how to obtain US citizenship, otherwise it will not be forever there.

What do you need to get US citizenship?

So, if someone decided to move to America, while he can not invest in the economy of the country, and is a "simple man", then he needs to know the following:

  1. Before applying for a so-called Green Card, you need to live in the country for at least 5 years. If a person married to someone who is already a citizen of America, the term can be reduced to 3 years. Many people do not know how long it takes to get US citizenship, and they often expect that it will be possible to file documents in a year, but this is not the case.
  2. After the expiration of this period, it will be necessary to write an application in the prescribed form and submit it to the state bodies. An example of registration of the application will need to be asked on the day of application, since its form is periodically changed.
  3. After considering the application, the person will be given the interview time. At this event, various questions will be asked to find out what motivations drive a person and why he wants to change citizenship. Also, the interview will be checked English language proficiency. It is believed that people who are fluent in spoken and written language have an advantage, so it is better to pay attention to its study.
  4. If the interview is successful, it will only be necessary to swear allegiance to the country and wait for the documents to be received.

By the way, a child born in the US gets citizenship right away, whether his parents are holders of the Green Card. At the same time, neither the mother nor the father of the baby can expect to "relax" and obtain citizenship or a residence permit "out of turn."

Can I get US citizenship by buying real estate?

Unfortunately, the acquisition of a house or apartment does not affect the process of obtaining a Green Card. This is neither an advantage nor a way to shorten the waiting period. Therefore, to buy real estate there is only for commercial reasons.