The language barrier

Each of us, from school years, teaches some foreign language: most often, English or German. At the same time, few people are able to communicate on it, make up various phrases or at least understand what is involved in a simple foreign song. Where does the language barrier come from and how to fight it, we will consider in this article.

Source of the language barrier

Now in advanced kindergartens, babies from infancy are offered to learn languages, and the crumb can easily count in English from one to ten or call toy animals, or even act out the simplest sketch-dialogue of the type "My name is Katya, I'm 5 years old. And what is your name? ". Surprisingly, in a junior school they usually learn the same thing, believing that nothing else simply enters the world of the child.

Further, in middle and high school children are taught grammar, are forced to teach individual words and translate texts. From time to time, rather rarely, it is proposed to play a dialogue. And as a result, after leaving the secondary school, after ten years of studying the language, a person can only translate with a dictionary and speak the simplest phrases. Not a reproach to our education system - the results, to put it mildly, are not the most impressive.

Why can not a person talk? It seems that all the rules for constructing a sentence are known, words are known, and overcoming the language barrier remains an unattainable dream.

The problem is that school activities involve too little practice. In order to learn to speak English or any other language - it is important to constantly speak it, and better - with native speakers. Let it be limited at first, but most importantly - the brain will get used to perceive English grammar not as a tablet written in a notebook, but as real language rules. Which carriers use, without thinking about it. According to teachers, the language barrier can be removed in a very short time, if there is an addiction to the use of another language.

How to overcome the language barrier?

Often, language barriers can interfere with business or communication while traveling, making the most basic communication inaccessible. That is why it is so important to pay attention to practice as early as possible, and not to empty memorization of individual words and phrases.

So, how to overcome the language barrier? When learning the language, use simple rules. Which will certainly help you not to face this problem:

  1. Teach not words, but phrases. When you learn a word, you can not always use it correctly. In Russian, the words "opportunity" and "potential" are synonymous, but are used in different cases. We can say about a capable person "he has great potential", but do not use the word "opportunities". Such subtleties exist in every language. It's easier to learn the correct word combinations right away.
  2. Watch the movies in the original. Use any opportunities to learn the language and listen to phrases, intonations in the original. Choose a good film that you have already seen and whose content you know, and watch it in a foreign language - at first you can with subtitles. This will be an excellent language practice. From time to time, the film can be stopped and recorded the most interesting phrases. With the same sense, you can use and foreign songs - listen to what they are talking about, and not just perceive it as an unrecognizable text.
  3. Constantly pronounce phrases, try yourself in communication.

It is most important. Choose a course of conversation, do not miss a chance to talk with native speakers, practice with friends and like-minded people. After the studied lesson of the house, tell yourself the material you have covered in the language you are studying. Only this way, immersing your thoughts in a new system of signs, you will achieve results.

As you can see, there really is nothing difficult in this. With regular practice, you can easily find a common language with foreigners and feel comfortable in any situation.