How to water the onion so that the feather does not turn yellow?

Onions can be found in almost any vegetable garden. This vegetable is an excellent addition to many dishes. And in the course go as green feathers, and juicy bulbs of plants. But if the bulbs collected at the end of the season can be eaten all year round, then the opportunity to enjoy fresh herbs is available only in the summer. Therefore, it can be very annoying if feathers suddenly start to turn yellow. In this article we will try to understand why this can happen and how to water the onion so that the feather does not turn yellow.

Onion fly

One of the reasons that can cause yellowing of the feather may be the appearance on the plant of the larvae of the onion fly. Effective is the prevention of the appearance of this pest. For this, it is recommended to plant the onion next to the carrot , which will frighten off unwelcome guests. It may also be useful advice not to land the onion in the same place, but periodically change the place of its dislocation in the garden. If you still found the onion fly larvae on the plant, the onion turns yellow and dries, and you think what you can water and feed the vegetable, then a good option may be a fertilizer from the brine. In addition, specialty products are sold in specialized stores that repel pests in general and onion fly in particular.

Onion secretly

Another unpleasant insect, because of which the onion can begin to turn yellow, is the onion secretivel. And the danger to the plant is represented by both larvae and adults. Pests eat out part of the feather, which causes the leaf to turn yellow and fade. In the fight against onion secretivel you will help frequent loosening of the soil around the bulbs and applying to the roots of wood ash, ground pepper or dry mustard.

Lack of nitrogen

If the onion turns yellow, and you do not know what to do and how to water the plant to prevent the process, then, perhaps, the vegetable lacks nitrogen. This can occur as a result of a lack of moisture, and after a heavy pouring rain. In such a situation, top dressing with nitrate, urea or manure infusion will help.

Rot of the Don

This is another disease that can cause the drying of the onion leaves. The disease itself affects the bottom of the bulb, and as a result it becomes covered with a white coating. The disease is transmitted through the soil, and if you are wondering what to pour the green onions in this case, so as not to yell, the answer will not be very optimistic. Fertilizers are unlikely to help. Most likely, in the future it will be necessary to switch to another variety, which will be resistant to this disease. For confidence before planting, the seeds can also be treated with a fungicide.

Unfavorable weather conditions

This is another situation when the answer to the question of what should be watered onions so that it does not yellow, will not be comforting. Climatic conditions are beyond our control, and if there is a long drought or frequent heavy rains, it is quite natural that the onion will dry out.

Non-observance of irrigation rules

But the wrong watering - this is the reason that provokes the yellowing of the onion, which is completely up to you. Asking the question, what to pour or fertilize a family bow or onion of any other variety, so as not to yell, check if the plant has enough water. Sometimes the problem may be just this - onion leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out due to improper irrigation. In this case, it is worth remembering that watering the vegetable culture should not be carried out very often, but the amount of liquid must be abundant. However, it is not necessary to fill the onions, because this can lead to the appearance of fungi and pests.