Coprogram - how to take it right?

Coprogramme is an important and accessible comprehensive study that allows to evaluate the digestive capacity of the gastrointestinal tract and to diagnose many diseases. In the course of the study, a physico-chemical and microscopic analysis of the patient's feces sample is carried out. To obtain the most reliable results, it is necessary to follow certain rules for the collection of material for research and preparation for analysis. Consider how to correctly pass the analysis to the coprogram.

How correctly to hand over the analysis of a feces on koprogrammu?

As is known, feces is the final product of digestion of food products, so it depends on their nature. Some products may interfere with the normal conduct of the study, namely:

Therefore, two or three days before the control fence of the stool should adhere to a diet that excludes such products:

It is recommended to enter into the diet:

It also follows 1-2 days to refuse to take medications, including vitamin and mineral complexes. Perhaps in this regard it will be necessary to consult with the attending physician.

How to properly assemble the material for analysis?

An obligatory condition for carrying out this analysis is spontaneous emptying of the intestine, i.e. without the use of any laxatives, enemas , etc. Immediately before collecting the feces, you need to thoroughly wash the perineal area. Women should take into account that during menstruation from the analysis it is recommended to refuse. Also, make sure that there is no urine in the stool.

The feces are collected with a spatula in a clean, dry container with a tightly tightened lid. The amount should be about 1-2 teaspoons. It is advisable to purchase a special sterile plastic container with a lid in the pharmacy, which is equipped with a special spatula for the collection of material.

It is better, if the morning feces are collected, which can be immediately delivered to the laboratory. If this is not possible, then for the study it is allowed to transfer material that was stored in a sterile container in the refrigerator for no more than 8-12 hours.