Toxocarosis - symptoms

This parasitic disease is one of the most common helminthiases in the world. Toxocarosis, the symptoms of which are described in the article, progress as a result of penetration of toxocar worms into the body. Infection provokes human contact with infected animals or with soil in which parasites are present.

Transmission of the disease in humans occurs under the influence of external factors. Infection occurs through the use of contaminated water and through unwashed hands. The highest incidence in the summer period, because the maximum amount of larvae enters the soil in the heat. The risk group includes children, vegetable sellers and people whose work is related to wild animals.

Symptoms of toxocariasis in humans

In the human body, there are always some parasites. If there was no treatment with toxocarosis or the therapy included only folk methods, the disease takes on serious forms. The degree of manifestation of signs of toxocariosis in each person is different and depends on the protective properties of immunity and the nature of the disease. By the most pronounced signs determine the localization of parasites in the body.

Visceral toxocariasis

Such a form progresses when large numbers of larvae enter the body. It persists for several weeks. The disease develops suddenly or after a short indisposition, after which such symptoms appear:

Also associated with toxocarosis are allergic processes such as:

Pulmonary syndrome is one of the major complications of toxocariasis. In the absence of the necessary treatment, pneumonia develops, which can provoke a fatal outcome in the future.

Also, patients are concerned about abdominal pain, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. In this case, they have an increase in the spleen in size. About a third of patients have a rash in the form of red spots on the skin, which subsequently disappear without leaving traces.

Symptoms of eye toxocariasis

Progression of the disease when hit the eyes of larvae. It can develop a solitary granuloma, localized, as a rule, in the posterior part of the organ. Toxocarosis of the eye and its symptoms are most often detected in schoolchildren, but often they occur in an adult. For this type of toxocarias the following symptoms are characteristic:

When conducting an ophthalmoscopy, uvitis, papillitis, inflammatory processes in the peripheral areas of the eye are found. In most people, these signs can both grow and decrease over a long period. Eye infections often flow subclinically, because they are detected only with regular preventive examination in the process of eye examination.

Neurological toxocariasis

This form of toxocarosis in adults progresses when parasites get into the brain and damage the nervous system and is accompanied by such symptoms: