Iron deficiency anemia - symptoms

Reduced hemoglobin concentration in erythrocytes often arises due to iron deficiency. Such a condition can be temporary, for example, when carrying a child or violating a full-fledged diet, and do not pose a threat. The long course of the pathology leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia - the symptoms of the disease in the early stages are almost invisible, which makes it difficult to diagnose it.

Symptoms and signs of iron deficiency anemia in adults

Lack of the micronutrient in the body passes through 2 stages: latent and explicit.

In the latent period, the hemoglobin causing iron deficiency anemia is greatly reduced, but the tissues are not damaged yet. The main clinical manifestations may be absent or occur so rarely that the patient does not pay attention to them. Primary symptoms:

Signs of overt iron deficiency anemia with sideropenia (tissue deficiency of microelement):

Blood tests for iron deficiency anemia

First of all, it is necessary to make a clinical study of the biological fluid. The analysis records:

In addition, detailed laboratory diagnostics of iron deficiency anemia is performed by counting normochromic, hyperchromic, hypochromic erythrocytes and polychromatophiles, as well as their anisochromia.

It is worth noting that in order to establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to differentiate the true iron deficiency from other diseases, for which similar symptoms are characteristic. The main differences are in such factors:

  1. The level of iron in the serum can remain close to normal with a reduced concentration of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
  2. The total iron binding capacity of the serum remains within the required values.
  3. The concentration of ferritin in the blood serum is increased, which excludes glandular starvation of tissues.

Such results often accompany inflammatory processes, tuberculosis, sepsis, rheumatoid arthritis, oncological pathologies, hepatological diseases.