Planting of tomatoes on sprouts

Spring is coming soon, and it's time to think about what we'll be planting in our garden. Many gardeners are becoming interested in the question of how to grow good tomato seedlings.

Soil for seedlings of tomatoes

If you do not want to bother with preparing the soil, you can buy it in the store. That's only to save on it is not necessary - take from good manufacturers. Or, take a common garden soil and mix it with peat, sand and a small amount of wood ash .

Sowing tomatoes for sprouts

Sowing must begin with the selection of seeds. Take away all the small and broken, then for a few minutes dip the remaining seeds into saline solution, those that pop up - throw them away, they are empty, and drown them thoroughly with water.

Next, we need to disinfect the seeds, for this, lower them into a warm and weak solution of manganese for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly.

Growing seedlings of tomatoes without picks

In order to grow seedlings of tomatoes and not to dive it, you need to proceed as follows:

Care of seedlings

After disembarkation, we observe some rules:

As you were convinced, in order to grow seedlings yourself, it is not necessary to make a lot of effort, enough minimal regular care.