What should I do if the adult is overheating in the sun?

In the season of holidays on the beaches and in the parks rest a huge number of people. None of them is immune from sun or heat stroke. This condition is very dangerous and can lead to unpredictable consequences, so everyone should know what to do if the adult is overheating in the sun, and be able to provide first aid to the injured. In time, the undertaken therapeutic measures in most cases can prevent various complications.

What to do after a slight overheating in the sun?

If you feel dizzy, weak in the muscles and limbs, sleepy, you should drink at least a glass of water (not cold) and move away from direct sunlight. The rest of the day is recommended to be spent in a ventilated room with a comfortable air temperature, bed rest is desirable for the next day.

It is important to drink water or unsweetened compote, mors, herbal tea all the time. This will prevent dehydration of the body , ensure the restoration of fluid balance and accelerate the normalization of heat transfer.

What to do at a temperature and a fever from an overheat in the sun?

When staying on the beach turned into the appearance of symptoms of an average degree of overheating, the sequence of actions should be the same as in the previous paragraph. In addition, experts advise:

At the considered stage of pathology, you need to carefully monitor your health, regularly measure body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure level. Significant deviations of these indicators from the established norms - a good reason to go to the hospital.

What should I do if I get too hot in the sun?

Severe degrees of the described problem often provoke serious complications, threatening both health and vital activity. Therefore, in this case, emergency first aid is required.

Here's what to do with nausea and vomiting from overheating in the sun, as well as other symptoms of heat stroke:

  1. Call a doctor or emergency medical team.
  2. While experts on the road, move the victim to a cool place or shadow area.
  3. Relieve neck, chest and stomach from tight clothes or accessories.
  4. Raise your legs above the level of the head to improve blood circulation.
  5. Drink a person with water, just not too cold. Also suitable is herbal or weak green tea, berry juice, fruit compote.
  6. Sprinkle water on face and chest. Moisten the patient's neck, collarbones, forehead and whiskey, elbows folds. It is allowed to apply ice or cold compress to places where large arteries pass.
  7. If a person has lost consciousness, try to gently bring him to life. At the same time, it is important to ensure that his tongue does not sink into the airways or they are not littered with vomit. To do this, it is recommended to place the victim on his side.
  8. Try to cool the patient as much as possible. If there is no access to a room with air conditioning or a fan, you need at least fan the patient with a fan, a towel and similar items.
  9. In case of a strong nervous excitement or panic attack, give a person a third glass of water with 20 drops of valerian tincture . This will help him to calm down.
  10. Every 10-15 minutes, wipe the limbs (especially the folds), the face and neck of the patient with a cloth soaked in cool water.