König's disease

König's disease is better known to physicians as dissecting osteochondritis. The essence of the disease is already in the name itself - it separates the area of ​​cartilage from the bone, which is adjacent to it, and then shifts into the joint cavity.

Most often, young people are affected by this disease - they are boys from 15 years old and young people under 35 years old. Very rarely physicians registered dissecting osteochondritis in individuals over 60 years of age, but in these cases the diseases were more susceptible to men.

It was also noted that the femur is often damaged. According to the frequency of damage, the doctors compiled a whole list of damage to bones and joints in descending order:

  1. Femur.
  2. Elbow joint.
  3. Wrist joint.
  4. Ankle joint.
  5. Tazobrenredny joint.
  6. Tibia.
  7. Patella.

The disease carries the second name - Keninga, - in honor of the doctor who described the disease in 1888.

Symptoms of Koenig's Disease

Symptoms of the disease depend on its stage, which in the amount of 4:

  1. During the first stage, the patient feels minor discomfort in the joints - pain, reaction to the weather, etc. If you make an x-ray during this period, you can find a dead body, separated from healthy parts of the bone by a small enlightened band.
  2. Synovitis occurs during the second stage, and the pain becomes more pronounced. With x-ray, the integrity of the closure plate is broken, and the band of enlightenment between the healthy bone and the damaged area becomes wider and longer.
  3. At the third stage, blockage of the joint is possible because of the incomplete separation of the dead body. If you do an x-ray, you can see a joint mouse.
  4. In the fourth stage, the dead body is completely separated from the healthy bone, and there is severe pain and synovitis, although the blockage of the joint happens less often. With x-rays, the intraarticular body is noticeable at this stage.

Causes of Koenig's Disease

To date, it is completely unknown what causes Kening's disease. Along with this, the science knows the assumptions, among which:

Many factors in which the nutrition of the cartilaginous tissue is disturbed can contribute to the development of dissecting osteochondritis. Poor blood supply provokes necrosis, and, as a consequence, exfoliation of the tissue.

Treatment of Koenig's Disease

If the disease has developed in a child or adolescent, then physicians, as a rule, do not resort to surgical intervention and treat conservatively. In adults, conservative treatment is ineffective, especially in the late stages of the disease. In this regard, we can distinguish three areas of treatment: conservative, operative, and also home remedies that can alleviate the condition of the patient.

Conservative treatment

In this case, medicines are used that strengthen the cartilaginous tissue - chondroprotectors, as well as those that improve blood circulation. The physiotherapy also has a positive effect.


These medicines have different subgroups depending on the active substance that the specialist should select in each individual case, since side effects often occur.

Drugs that improve blood circulation, can be in the form of ointments or injections. They are selected by a specialist depending on the stage of the disease and the treatment strategy.

Operative treatment

König's disease is treated with an operation called arthrotomy. In this case, open the joint and remove the articular mouse. Recently in Russia they began to practice another method - a fluid is injected into the joint, which solidifies and regenerates bone and cartilaginous tissue.

After the operation, König's disease passes, but the joint can not be loaded for a long time. In some cases, pain may resume, and the likelihood of a repeat operation increases.

Folk remedies

Treatment of Koenig's disease with folk remedies can lead to worsening of the condition - inflammation of the joint, so if you resort to them, then only after consulting a doctor.

To remove the pain symptom, you can use pine branches - they need to be brewed, insisted for 40 minutes, and then cooled. In a bath with a warm broth, you must immerse the diseased area for 10-15 minutes.

Tea can also be useful for strengthening joints from gentian, currant and string . Take it is worth every day, no more than 1 cup per day for 14 days.