Non-diabetes mellitus - all features of a rare disease

Diabetes refers to a disease characterized by increased urination. There are two types of diabetes with a similar name: sugar and non-sugar, but apart from the similarity of names, these diseases have little in common, and in some ways are opposites. Non-diabetes mellitus has another etiology, manifests itself in other signs and needs a special treatment system.

Sugar and diabetes insipidus - differences

Sugar and diabetes insipidus are characterized by increased urination. The term diabetes itself is translated as "pass through". However, between sugar and diabetes insipidus there are a number of important differences:

  1. Prevalence. Non-diabetes mellitus is much less common than sugar and belongs to the rarest pathologies.
  2. Cause. The appearance of diabetes can lead to an incorrect lifestyle, a failure in metabolic processes. The causes of diabetes insipidus can be trauma, neurosurgical interventions, circulatory disorders, brain tumor processes, kidney disease.
  3. Hormones. Patients with diabetes have an insulin hormone deficiency, and insipid - a vasopressin.
  4. Excess of substance. With diabetes mellitus, there is an increase in glucose, and in the case of non-sugar, salts and electrolytes.
  5. The cause of increased urination. In diabetes, there is an excess of glucose, from which the body tries to get rid by increasing urine output. With diabetes insipidus, any kidneys can not interact with an anti-diabetic hormone or do not receive it.

Forms of diabetes insipidus

Non-diabetes mellitus develops with insufficient work of the hormone vasopressin. Depending on which part of the body there are disorders, these two forms of the disease are distinguished:

  1. The central form. This type of diabetes is formed as a result of disorders in the work of the brain departments. Antidiuretic hormone ceases to be produced or not transmitted to the blood.
  2. Renal form. Diabetes develops because of the inability of the kidneys to take vasopressin.

Kidney diabetes insipidus

Nephrigenic diabetes insipidus is considered a rare disease. It is formed as a result of genetic changes or as a side effect of taking medications. The kidneys stop reacting to the hormone and form a large amount of hypotonic urine. The body loses liquid and salt in unacceptable amounts, so the patient often begins to feel thirsty. Non-scheduled treatment may lead to a developmental gap in children, and in adults - to neurological disorders.

Central diabetes insipidus

Central diabetes insipidus, pathogenesis and treatment have been intensively studied recently due to the increase in the number of diseases. This is due to the increase in the number of operations on the brain and head injuries. The hormone vasopressin is secreted by the body as needed and reacts to the smallest changes in the state of the blood plasma. With central diabetes insipidus there is a defect in vasopressin secretion, as a result of which urine is released constantly.

Non-diabetes mellitus causes

Diabetes of a non-sugar type can occur due to various causes. In rare cases, doctors can not identify the etiology, which entailed increased urination. Common causes of the disease are:

Non-diabetes mellitus - symptoms

Non-diabetes mellitus, the signs of which are very acute, is diagnosed already at the beginning of the onset of the disease. The main symptoms of the insipid type of this disease are thirst and frequent urination. Urine can be given up to 30 liters a day, which causes the patient inconvenience and causes him anxiety. Other symptoms of diabetes insipidus are:

Non-diabetes mellitus - diagnosis

The doctor can suspect the diagnosis of "diabetes insipidus" based on the patient's complaints. Constant thirst and allocation of a large amount of urine are the main signs of the presence of this disease. To confirm suspicion, they are assigned such types of diagnostics:

Non-diabetes mellitus - tests

Hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia - diabetes insipidus are similar in some basic symptoms. If suspected diabetes insipidus should be a series of tests:

Non-diabetes mellitus - treatment

Before treating diabetes insipidus, it is important to establish what the root cause of the disease is. When a disease occurs due to problems in the development of the brain hormone vasopressin, drugs with a synthetic analogue of the hormone are prescribed. If the source of the illness lies in the violation of the absorption of the hormone by the kidneys, the doctor prescribes the administration of thiazide diuretics, whose task is to control the production of urine. Non-diabetes mellitus - clinical recommendations

For those patients who are diagnosed with diabetes insipidus, recommendations on how to behave and how to eat play an important role. Doctors advise such patients to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. You can not limit yourself in the liquid.
  2. To quench your thirst, it is better to use fruit drinks, juices, compotes.
  3. It should be eaten often, but fractional.
  4. It is necessary to follow a special diet.
  5. To improve sleep, you can use folk recipes.
  6. It is important to take all medications prescribed by your doctor.

Non-diabetes mellitus - treatment, drugs

The main drugs for diabetes insipidus are drugs that replace the hormone vasopressin. Artificial hormone has a long-lasting effect and a small number of side effects. He is in such medicines:

These drugs are used for diabetes insipidus central form. Non-diabetes mellitus, caused by inflammation, is treated with antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Indomethacin. When the nephrogenic form of diabetes is prescribed treatment with thiazide diuretics:

  1. Indapamide (Ionik, Pamid, Tenzar) - has a moderate long-term effect;
  2. Hydrochlorothiazide (Hypothiazide) - has a medium and intense effect.

Non-diabetes mellitus - folk remedies

Disease diabetes insipidus, having a nephrogenic or central form, does not lend itself to complete cure. With the help of folk remedies, one can reduce the feeling of thirst, improve the work of the brain, get rid of insomnia.

  1. To reduce the feeling of thirst, it is recommended to drink a decoction of walnut leaves. A glass of boiling water requires 5 g of dry crushed leaves. Infusion is consumed throughout the day.
  2. To improve the brain, folk medicine advises eating 1 tsp. pea flour per day.
  3. To improve sleep is recommended infusion of motherwort, caraway and the root of valerian. All components are mixed and separated 2 tbsp. mixture. Herbs are poured into 350 ml of boiling water and insisted for several hours. Drink infusion should be an hour before bedtime and with severe irritability.
  4. Reducing the number of urination, reducing dehydration can be achieved with the help of dry inflorescences of immortelle and abdomen. Herbs should be taken in equal amounts in the amount of 1 tablespoon, pour half a liter of boiling water and insist 8 hours. Drink a third of the glass after 4 hours.

Non-diabetes mellitus - diet

Diet in diabetes insipidus is the opposite of nutrition in the case of the sugar form of the disease. The patient's diet should include fast and hard-to-digest carbohydrates, fats and a small amount of protein products. The task of nutrition with such a disease is the replenishment of the body's needs, saturation with the necessary vitamins and microelements. Dried fruits, fish, sour milk products and nuts will help support a weakened organism.

Eat small meals in 3 hours, which will be 6 meals a day. Cooking is best done on a couple or in the oven. Avoid fried, spicy, salty and smoked dishes. Drink at the same time you need at least 2.5 liters a day. The patient does not need to be reminded of the need to drink fluids, since thirst is his constant companion. From the liquid it is useful to use fruit drinks, juices, compotes, kissels. photo4

Non-diabetes mellitus - complications

Complications of diabetes insipidus are dangerous by dehydration and all the consequences resulting from this. As the disease develops, the disease forms a vicious circle: thirst grows, but the more the patient drinks fluids, the more water is released, not replenishing the needs of the body. As a consequence, the patient has weakness, palpitations, neurologic disorders, dyspnea. If you do not take action during this period for treatment, the body dies from lack of necessary fluid.

Prognosis of diabetes insipidus

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to cure diabetes insipidus in adults and children depends on the origin of the disease:

  1. If the disease has appeared during pregnancy or during the post-operative period, it often passes over time with proper treatment.
  2. If diabetes occurs against the background of malaria, syphilis, tuberculosis, the disease will recede as it recovers from the underlying disease.
  3. Non-diabetes, caused by a tumor, can gradually disappear after its removal.
  4. There are rare cases of getting rid of the nephrogenic form of this disease in childhood.
  5. Proper treatment helps patients live their life and fulfill their duties.