A bouquet of money

As for gifts, you can argue endlessly. Someone traditionally considers the best gift as a book, someone likes things made by themselves, others prefer to give and receive money as a gift. The latter trend is gaining momentum more and more, because in this way we solve the problem of finding a gift for ourselves and unnecessary things for the perpetrators of the celebration. But how to present this gift beautifully and originally ? As a rule, money is put into envelopes or postcards. Universal, but trite and boring. We bring to your attention an interesting idea of ​​beating such a gift - a bouquet of money made by yourself. We will tell you how to make interesting compositions and bouquets of money by the example of master classes that are accessible to anyone and doable without special skills and training.

How to make a bouquet of money?

To make one flower, we need:


  1. We take an artificial rose, bend the sepals from the petals.
  2. Carefully disassemble the petals layer by layer. Since most often they are glued to each other and to the base of the flower, you need to do it carefully, so as not to damage the lower part of the flower.
  3. The cork from the wine is cut in such a way that the "ribs" are obtained, on which it will be possible to attach the petals. At its base, make a hole with a screwdriver so that it can be attached to the stem.
  4. Press on the cork a little glue from the gun and fix it on the stem. It turned out such a blank for a flower.
  5. Now we make petals: using a screwdriver, we tweak the corners of the bills to each other in such a way as shown in the photo.
  6. Next, bend the bill twice so that the ends are looking in different directions and put it on an elastic band. The same is done with the rest.
  7. We proceed to collect the flower: on the upper edge of the cork, wind the elastic, holding the petal, so that the bill does not tear.
  8. Similarly, we fix all the rest - two petals per edge.
  9. The collected rose needs to be straightened: the lower the petals are, the more it is necessary to bend them to the bottom.
  10. The rose is ready. We do some more, we form a bouquet and proudly go on a visit.

Another option to create a rose for making a bouquet of flowers from money

This technique differs from the previous principle of attaching the flower to the base. Using elastic bands, it's easy enough to damage a bill without calculating the tension force. And the process of collecting flowers takes much less time. In addition, using this technique it is much easier to vary the shape of the flower. Such roses can be easily disassembled - the notes are not torn, but only slightly wrinkled.

To make a single rose we need:


  1. The edges of the bill bend to the middle. We cut each banknote in the middle round it with a piece of white paper.
  2. We bend twice and slightly diagonally.
  3. We put the foam on the wire, on this base one by one we begin to glue the petals with the help of glue from the pistol. And you need to glue only in those places where white paper is located.
  4. We repeat the procedure with other petals.
  5. From green paper, cut out sepals and gently paste on the base of the flower. The finished stem can be wrapped with tape.
  6. Similarly, make a few colors and assemble them into a bouquet.