Bread Mask for Hair

One of the most versatile home remedies for hair care is black bread - masks from this product are suitable for everyone and allow you to restore beauty even to the most depleted and damaged locks. A hair mask with bread can contain various ingredients. Today, let's talk about the most affordable recipes.

Preparation of bread

For the hair is useful black (rye) bread, rich in vitamin B. From the loaf cut several slices, remove the crust, crumb is poured with water, kefir or milk. The mass should stand for several hours, you can leave it even for a couple of days. Use the resulting raw materials in two ways.

  1. Squeeze the bread through the cheesecloth and add the remaining ingredients (honey, essential oils, etc.) to the crumb. Such masks are washed off without shampoo.
  2. The resulting mass is rubbed into the hair in its pure form. It is better to make such a mask for hair with bread before washing your head, since it is possible to completely wash off the crumbs only with shampoo.

Nourishing Mask

In black bread (250 g), soaked in kefir high fat add 1 spoon of honey, burdock and castor oil. The composition is thoroughly mixed, distributed over the hair. The soaking time is 2 hours. Rinse off better with water without shampoo. This mask for hair with bread restores curls and makes them very soft.

Bread Mask for Hair Growth

Rye bread (5 pieces), soaked in milk or kefir, kneaded with a fork. In the crumb add one chicken yolk, honey (1.5 tablespoons) and mustard powder (1 spoon). On the hair the mass is aged for an hour. This bread mask helps with hair loss, nourishes curls, weakened by curling or lightening, and also improves blood flow around the bulb.

Useful for hair rye bread and in its pure form - the mask is made on the basis of boiling water. As already mentioned above, the crumb is not squeezed, but immediately applied to curls. The head is wrapped with foil or polyethylene, warmed with a cap or towel. After an hour, the mask is washed off with shampoo.

Beer strengthening mask

Another recipe aimed at strengthening curls and preventing hair loss is a hair mask containing black bread and beer. Both products are rich in vitamin B. Instead of rye, you can use gray bread with bran.

A few dried up slices must be crushed and poured with beer. The mass is whipped with a mixer at high speed and the resulting foamy mass is applied to the hair. The holding time is 2 hours. When washing, you can use a small amount of shampoo to get rid of the beer smell.

Mask with bread on herbs

For complex treatment of hair rye bread, infused on decoctions of herbs, is useful. For 1.5 liters of boiling water, one and a half tablespoons of dried sage, chamomile flowers and plantain leaves are needed. Grasses cook for 10 minutes, then leave to infuse in a thermos or a container, wrapped in towels. Half an hour later, the liquid will turn greenish yellow. In it put the crusted bread and knead it with a fork. After 40 minutes, the resulting composition is applied to the hair and kept for at least an hour. To wash off such bread mask for hair it is better without shampoo - the rests of crumbs can be removed a comb.

Mask with camphor oil

Normalize the secretion and cure dandruff will help mask, which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. To make it, you need a soaked rye bread (slightly warmed), half a spoonful of camphor oil and as much lemon juice. Bread mask for hair is rubbed into the root part, wrapped with a towel and held for 1-3 hours. Daily repetition of the procedure for two weeks can eliminate excessive fat, skin inflammation and dandruff.