Rinsing hair with vinegar

The notion that something really good can only be something expensive (whether it's a piece of clothing or a hair care product) is firmly rooted in the subconscious of many. Because of this, many people forget about how useful the old proven folk methods can be. Take, for example, rinsing hair with vinegar. This method is able to strengthen and improve hair not worse than many expensive means. The rinse aid based on vinegar is known for a long time. He was able to prove himself due to high efficiency and availability - a bottle of vinegar can be found at any time in any kitchen.

The benefits of rinsing hair with vinegar

The benefits of rinsing hair with vinegar can be said very much and for a long time. In fact, this tool can quite give odds to most modern balms and rinsers. Not only is vinegar much cheaper than classy professional means, and the effect of its application is complex.

The essence of rinsing the hair with apple or any other vinegar is quite simple. The fact is that the scalp and hair are characterized by a medium-acid environment. With the constant use of non-natural shampoos, it gradually changes, approaching its characteristics to alkaline. For hair it is, of course, not very good: they fade, lose strength, deteriorate. Even the most expensive balms solve this problem will not help. But with the help of rinsing hair with vinegar to restore the natural environment of the scalp can be easily.

It is best for the procedure to choose wine or apple cider vinegar. The main condition - the product must be 100% natural. Otherwise, the effect of rinsing will not be. With the help of acetic rinses, you can achieve this effect:

  1. Already after the first procedures of rinsing hair with water and vinegar, you will notice that the head of hear becomes more brilliant and obedient.
  2. Vinegar helps to improve hair growth . After rinsing, the hair ceases to fall out and break, and the sleeping bulbs become active, so that the hair becomes thick.
  3. Rinsing also with dandruff, which often appears because of problems with a violation of the acidity of the scalp.

As you can see, a simple remedy stored in the kitchen cabinet of any hostess can solve a lot of problems.

Recipes and proportions for the preparation of hair rinsers with vinegar

It is usually recommended to mix vinegar with water in a proportion of one to four. But depending on the type of skin and hair, the amount of the remedy can vary. For example:

  1. A proportion of one to four can be relevant for a fatty type of hair.
  2. To prepare a rinse aid for normal hair, mix vinegar with water in a proportion of one to five.
  3. Dry hair is best rinsed with a very weak solution, diluted in a proportion of one to six.

Apple cider vinegar is considered to be softer and more sparing. But at the same time the proportions when preparing a hair conditioner for a prescription with apple cider vinegar remain the same.

If necessary, balms and rinses can be added essential oils and herbs of various herbs:

  1. To soften the hair and moisturize them will help the conditioner with the addition of oils of cedar, bay or birch.
  2. Broken, split and dropping hair will save a remedy mixed with sage tincture.
  3. Ylang-ylang and patchouli contribute to the removal of dandruff.
  4. Brunettes in the conditioner can add a decoction of rosemary. The tool will make the already dark strands even more saturated.
  5. And blondes suitable acetic conditioner with chamomile.