Kirchner Museum

Davos is a small town in the east of Switzerland , a famous ski resort . Since the XIX century, its popularity has increased dramatically, and the reason for this was the healing microclimate of the high-mountain valley, useful for people suffering from various diseases. However, Davos is famous not only for this. The city has a lot of interesting things. One of the main attractions of Davos is the Kirchner museum.

History of the museum

It all started in 1917, when Ernst Ludwig Kirchner moved to Davos in order to overcome his addiction to drugs. Here he lived and worked until his death. After the death of the artist all the impressive collection of his works went to the city. Well, in 1992, a museum was opened, dedicated to Kirchner and his work.

Features of the museum

Speaking about the specifics of the Kirchner Museum in Switzerland , start from the building itself. It is a rather unusual structure in the form of four cubes, which connects the bright foyer. The architects of this building were the Zurich experts Annette Zhigon and Mike Guye. The spacious and expressive building itself is of great interest.

Naturally, the collection of the museum is of no less interest. Here, more than 1400 works of the great expressionist are collected. Here you can see how the artist's technique has changed. In addition, the museum will acquaint you with the characteristic for Kirchner of a flat image of objects, with the artist's desire to deform space and fill it. A special place in the museum's collection is given to urban landscapes - Kirchner's favorite theme. The most famous canvas artist, stored here, is the work "Rider".

How to visit the museum?

You can get to the museum by bus. The final stop will be called Postplatz.