What are the brooms for a bath?

Bath without a good broom will not give the full range of pleasure and will not provide the maximum benefit. And choosing the right broom guarantees a great rest. What are the brooms, and in which cases to choose them - we will tell in our article.

Types of brooms for sauna and bath

  1. A birch broom for a bath is used most often. It is flexible, durable and convenient. Due to the fact that the surface of the birch leaf is rough, it fits snugly to the body and absorbs sweat very well. And excellent beneficial properties of birch will give health and a good state of mind.
  2. Oak brooms for a bath - no less popular. In comparison with birch, this broom is more durable. Wide sheets perfectly inject steam, and tannins contained in oak, have a curative effect on skin diseases, give strength and clear the oily skin, making it supple and matte.
  3. Juniper broom for a bath - allocate a huge quantity of medical vapors: 6 times more coniferous and 15 times more deciduous. In addition, the needles of juniper have powerful bactericidal properties. It helps with gout, swelling, rheumatism, rashes on the skin, perfectly fights harmful microbes.
  4. A broom from a mountain ash for a bath - perfectly disinfects air in a thermae, releasing specific volatile substances. Broom is biting, soft, flexible. Useful in hypertension, atherosclerosis. To strengthen the effect and cheer up, you can add a twig of tansy to the broom.
  5. Brooms for a bath from a linden - from ancient times use huge popularity. The smell of lime in the steam room gives a sense of being in the apiary. Brooms are good for the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, and just for the general strengthening of the body.
  6. Eucalyptus broom for a bath - an exotic kind of brooms, costs a lot of money, because they are knitted only from a rod-shaped sort of eucalyptus. Its use can cure diseases of the respiratory tract.