
Inversion of the intestines is one of the types of acute obstruction, which occurs when the normal position of the intestinal loops is disturbed: they are twisted between themselves or around the axis of the mesentery. With this twisting, free passage through the intestine of its contents is disrupted, it overflows, stretches, dehydration and intoxication of the organism occurs.

If the time is not taken, intestinal ruptures, peritonitis, inflammation of the peritoneum, bowel infarction are possible.

Most often there is a twist of the small intestine, as well as a turn of the sigmoid and cecum.

Causes of curvature of intestines

Often a person may have a predisposition to curl of intestines, due to features of anatomy. The bowel is attached to the peritoneal wall with a mesentery, and if that is too long or narrow, the likelihood that the loop of the intestine can curl around it is much higher. Another cause may be an inflammatory disease of the mesentery, which at the same time shrivels, causing the intestine parts to converge and creating conditions for the appearance of a curvature of the intestines. In such cases, there may be enough sharp movement, excessive physical strain, so that the bowel spins around the mesentery.

But the obstruction can happen in the absence of the above factors.

Let's try to figure out what the gut turns up from.

For the appearance of a curvature, it is enough to overflow one of the intestinal loops, which will begin to spin around the free loops, causing obstruction. This overflow can occur due to consumption of rough plant foods, after prolonged fasting, with frequent constipation.

It is believed that vegetarians, people on a low-protein diet, and men over 40 are more predisposed to this problem.

Signs of a bowel turn

The first and main symptom is cramping pain in the abdomen, which gradually grows and becomes permanent. The second sign is the absence of stools and gases. In some cases, gases can escape, but there is no stool. In the future there is general deterioration of the condition, nausea and vomiting, bloating, and it acquires an asymmetric shape. Seals or, on the contrary, abnormal softness of individual areas may occur.

Turn of the small intestine gives the most severe and violent symptoms. Pain in the navel is rapidly increasing, bloating, nausea, vomiting, pallor, lowering of blood pressure, tachycardia.

Sigmoid colon swelling is often preceded by chronic constipation and bouts of pain (so-called incomplete twists).

Inversion or intussusception of the intestines?

Invagination of the intestine by the inhabitant sometimes erroneously refers to the curvature of the intestines, since in this case there is also a violation of their normal position. However, medicine distinguishes it in a separate form of obstruction of a mixed type.

When intussusception, one of the intestinal sections is inserted into the lumen of the other. The gut folds in the manner of the telescope, the passageway for the passage of the contents overlaps and there is an obstruction with symptoms similar to those with a gut flap. Most often, invagination occurs in children under the age of one year and always requires surgery.

Treatment of curvature of intestines

When turning the intestines of the patient, it is necessary to immediately hospitalize to determine if the turn of which part of the intestine occurred, and the necessary intervention. Treatment of an inversion is usually carried out by surgical methods, and the earlier the operation is performed, the more chances for a favorable outcome. As a result of an inversion, a rupture of the intestine may occur, peritonitis develop, and the overlapping of the blood supply of the intestine can cause its necrosis, in which removal of the part of the intestine is required. If untimely measures are taken, there is a possibility of a lethal outcome, due to general sepsis.

Curls of the sigmoid colon can sometimes be straightened by conservative methods, with the help of enemas, but the decision on such treatment can only be made by a specialist.