Forestier's disease

Fixing hyperostosis is one of the very rare diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which leads to complete immobilization (ankylosis). Pathology is also called Foresties disease, in honor of the famous French neurologist, who first described it in the 60's and indicated differences from spondylosis, as well as Bekhterev's disease.

What is Forestest's Syndrome?

This disease is characterized by excessive production of bone tissue and its formation in the tendons and ligaments. Calcium salts are deposited under the longitudinal ligament of the spine in the anterior sections of the intervertebral disc. The fusion begins between the vertebrae of the thoracic and cervical region, after which it spreads throughout the column.

Because of the rarity and inadequate material for research, the causes of hyperostosis have not been established so far. There are several theories that describe disease-provoking factors:

In recent studies, the generalized nature of the disease has been established - bone tissue eventually forms in ligaments that are attached to the iliac, knee bones.

Symptoms of Forestier's Disease

Among patients' complaints the most frequent:

X-ray for Forestier disease

To date, X-ray examination is the only way to diagnose the pathology in question. At the same time, it is quite difficult to detect the signs of the disease at once, since its manifestations can occur only 8-10 years after the onset of hyperostosis development.

Informativeness of radiography depends on the volume of the study - it is important to make not only a straight line, but also a lateral projection the spine. It is also desirable to take a snapshot of the entire column, rather than separate departments.

Treatment of Forester disease

Due to the unclear reasons for the disease, the treatment consists in alleviating the symptoms: