Rosacea - symptoms

Rosacea - a skin disease, which manifests itself in the form of tubercles, pustules, redness and other types of rashes on the skin. Rosacea is a chronic disease, its other name is "rosacea".

But rosacea is not the only manifestation of rosacea disease, in half of cases it is accompanied by eye damage, which is a symptom of complication. Many associate rosacea with a red nose and cheeks, and in patients the cheeks and nose really become saturated pink, regardless of external factors. The most prone to the disease are blonde and blue-eyed people.

Causes and Symptoms of Rosacea Disease

It is believed that the trigeminal nerve is to blame for all this, because he is responsible for the cheeks and nose. His wrong work, inflammation, leads to the fact that the vessels in these areas of the face begin to expand, but narrowing in time. Blood rushes to the skin, and so there is redness.

Rosacea was often associated with demodecosis - a skin mite, but this information has already become less relevant. Rosacea can be caused by a skin mite, and can proceed independently, as a special reaction of the body to various factors.

Also rosacea was associated with a bacterium that causes gastritis. Of course, the formation of acne can play an important role in the violation of the gastrointestinal tract, but it is far from necessary that it leads to rosacea.

Another factor that affects rosacea is caffeine. A large use of coffee drinks stimulates, and this leads to reddening of the skin.

Steroid rosacea is another interesting branch of the manifestation of this mysterious disease. If corticosteroid ointments are used for treatment, and this leads to new eruptions and increased redness, then the word "steroid" is added to the name of the disease.

But the most important triggering factor of rosacea development is most likely the nervous system and somatic disorder. If neurosis or depression have been experienced, and there is a weakened immune system and a strong response to external changes, then an intensified and uncontrolled reddening of the face is one of the easiest consequences of such a combination of disorders in the body.

Rosacea is characterized by:

Treatment of rosacea

There is no specific treatment for rosacea. But there is a general scheme:

  1. First, you need to make sure that the nervous system is in order. Then it is important to observe hygienic procedures - timely washing, showering, hot bath.
  2. You also need to pay attention to the diet, because the health or unhealth of the body is his response to our lifestyle and nutrition. Products must be of high quality, useful and not limited to certain fats, proteins or carbohydrates.
  3. In severe cases, antibiotics are used to treat rosacea. Rosacea can progress, so you need to contact the dermatologist in time to determine which of the factors has caused rosacea and affect it.