How to cook an anthill cake?

First try to make the most classic version of an anthill. This is done as follows.

Ingredients (for the test):


For a cream, you need 1 can of boiled condensed milk (and it's better to have condensed cocoa with milk - it's even tastier). To decorate the cake you can use grated chocolate, poppy seeds, confectionery, ground nuts and much more. In a large clean bowl sift through a sieve half the norm of flour and mix with baking powder. Melt the butter (not to a boil!) And pour into a bowl of flour. Add sour cream, sugar, vanillin, cinnamon and mix well. Knead the dough, gradually adding the remaining sifted flour. Well we'll knead the dough, roll it into a bowl and put in the fridge for at least 30-40 minutes. After this time, let the cooled dough through the meat grinder. If the dough lay in the cold for a long time and hardens well, you can grate it on a large grater.

We will heat the oven to an average temperature, place a baking sheet in it with a batter and we will bake for 25-35 minutes before browning. We will get a small cookie. Ready, slightly cooled cookies will be laid out on the dish layers, boiling down to the hill, pouring every layer of any cream to your taste, you can boiled condensed milk or cocoa with condensed milk. From the top of the condensed milk we will sprinkle each layer with ground nuts, or maybe seeds of a confectionery poppy. Particularly generously pour and sprinkle the top layer of the slide. You can also sprinkle with grated chocolate. Place the cake in a cool place (on the shelf of the refrigerator) for at least an hour for 3 (or better - for the night) to soak up.

Cream for cake "Anthill"

If you do not like condensed milk, you can cook not too sweet chocolate-sour cream jelly or butter cream, however, it's a matter of taste. However, it should be noted that if we do not use this version of the cream, like boiled condensed milk, the cake will be much more refined. Boiled condensed milk and condensed cocoa are pretty luscious to the taste of many people, but for many it's still a taste that reminds of a happy childhood.

"Lazy" cake "Anthill"

You can make an anthill cake without baking, more precisely, from the finished baking. So to speak, "lazy." This recipe will be especially appreciated by busy people who are not too fond of cooking, and bachelors. To prepare a "lazy" cake "Anthill" we will need ready-made cookies - small unsweetened and unsalted lean crackers. Further everything is done as described above. For the cream, prepare the fruit jelly and mix it with sour cream. Separately, mix the sugar with cocoa powder and mix it all together. Thoroughly mix - the cream is ready. It remains to lay out the cookies on the dish with a slide, sprinkling it with cream, sprinkling with nuts and pieces of chocolate.

Honey "Anthill"

Cake "Anthill" with honey is prepared almost the same way, only in the cream instead of sugar is added honey. In this case, it is better not to add cocoa at all or to mix it with a small amount of sugar, so that there would be no lumps.

Cake Decoration

How to decorate the cake "Anthill"? To decorate and sandwich the "Anthill" you can use raisins, dried apricots and other crushed dried fruits, ground marmalade, banana slices and coconut shavings. In general, in this matter everything depends on your sense of harmony, the breadth of culinary fantasy and the development of intuition. To such dessert as the cake "Anthill" you can serve fresh fruit juices, compotes, tea, coffee, mate, rooibos, lapacho and other drinks of this type.