Cheesecake dough

The dough for cheesecakes can be to your taste absolutely any: sweet, fresh, sandy, or puffed. Let's look at the recipes for making cheesecake dough.

Yeast dough for cheesecakes



Preheat the milk and dissolve in it first sugar, and then yeast. Leave everything for 10 minutes so that they swell a little. Then add there melted butter, put salt and sprinkle sifted flour. We knead the elastic dough and leave it in a warm place to approach. We knead it well and leave it a little bit again. Then divide the dough into the same small balls and leave for a while.

Dough for cheesecake from rye flour



First, mix with rye flour, yeast and warm milk. When it rises, add butter and a little salt. We knead a good dough and let it go up.

Fresh dough for cheesecakes on yogurt



Mix together sour cream, kefir and melted butter. Add sugar, a little salt and sifted flour, kneading the dough.

Cheese crouton dough



Curd the cottage cheese thoroughly with sugar and gradually drive the eggs. Add the vegetable oil and mix thoroughly until smooth. Flour sift, mix with vanillin and baking powder, and then combine with the curd mass and knead a homogeneous dough. Leave it for 2 hours to go.

Shortcake for cheesecakes



Let's figure out how to make a short dough for cheesecake. The flour is sieved, mixed with chilled, chopped into small pieces of butter. Add the egg, sugar, put a pinch of salt and knead a homogeneous elastic dough for cheesecakes.

So we learned with you the recipes for making a dough for cheesecakes, and it's up to you to decide which baked goods to cook!