Jelly from red currant for the winter

Even those who do not particularly favor the taste of red currant in their pure form, enthusiastically respond about the palatability of jelly from these berries. In fact, such a delicacy turns out to be incredibly fragrant, gently jelly with pleasant sourness. We recommend several variations of the recipes for such a preparation.

How to cook jelly from red currant - recipe



Red currants are sorted and washed under cool running water. We let the berries drain and dry out a little. In this case, the tedious stage of disposal of berries from tails can be omitted. We put the prepared berry mass in a saucepan or a bowl, pouring the layers with sugar and, in the end, everything is well mixed. We leave the currant to separate the juice for twenty minutes, periodically mixing, then put on the hotplate plates, turn on the strongest fire and set the timer for eight minutes. In the process of heating and the whole cooking process, we continuously mix the berries with sugar first to avoid burning the latter, and after dissolving all the crystals, so that the mass simply does not escape from the dishes. If the intensity of fire is sufficient, after five minutes the berries will be intensely bubbling in syrup. Another three minutes of such seething, and immediately remove the vessel from the plate and grind the contents through a sieve. The resulting jelly is poured over dry, sterile jars and leave it on the table to cool without covering it.

After reaching the room temperature, we seal it with any lids (metal or nylon) and put it in a dark place for storage.

How to make jelly from red currant without cooking - recipe



For the preparation of jelly from red currant for the winter without cooking berries are not subjected to any heat treatment, which to the maximum preserves vitamins and fresh berry taste of treats.

To realize the idea of ​​berry, rinse in a large volume of cool water, throw it back in a colander and let it drain. Now we break the berry mass with a blender or in its absence simply by the old good way we pass through the meat grinder. All parts of the device that come into contact with the currant must first be boiled for ten minutes, and then let them cool.

We grind the crushed berries through a strainer, separating the bones and skins from the pulp. The resulting mashed potatoes are combined in a saucepan with sugar and mixed until all the crystals are completely dissolved and homogeneous jelly is obtained.

We lay out the treat on clean, dry and sterile containers, cover with lids and put on the shelf of the refrigerator for storage.

Jelly from red currant - a recipe through a juicer



Red currants are sorted, we save from the tails and thoroughly rinse. Now the berries need to be heated a little, so that when processed with a juicer they give their juice maximum. To do this, we can use a microwave oven, placing a currant in a suitable vessel at a maximum capacity of about three minutes, or send the berries for ten minutes in a heated oven to 180 degrees.

Now we process the berries on the juicer and measure the volume of the resulting juice. Add the same amount of sugar to a liter jar of the product. The components in this case are measured not by weight, but by volume.

Place the juice with sugar on the stove and warm it up, stirring, until all the sweet crystals are blossomed and the first signs of boiling appear. We pour out the obtained delicacy on dry and sterile containers, let them cool under room conditions, without covering up anything, then we seal it and determine it in a cool place for storage.