Cake with walnuts

The recipe for a cake with walnuts is quite simple, but the result is delicious. Such a dessert is not a shame to submit to the festive table, and just diversify the friendly tea party!

Chocolate cake with walnuts


For cream:


The oven is pre-ignited and heated up to about 220 degrees. Now take the form for baking, cover it with baking paper and grease the sides with vegetable oil. We cut the walnuts and go to the preparation of the dough.

To do this, break into a bowl of chicken eggs, pour out the sugar and whisk everything until a thick mixture with a mixer. Then add sifted, mixed with cocoa and baking powder and gently mix everything. After that, pour the dough into the mold and send the minutes for 30-40 in the oven. Next, the finished biscuit is cooled, cut along three thin cakes and collect the cake, promazyvaya all cakes, top and sides of dessert with cooked cream.

For cream condensed milk is mixed with chocolate and cream, rubbed into chips, and then boiled to the desired density on low heat. We leave the cake for four hours soaked, and then we serve it to the table.

Sponge cake with walnuts



Protein is separated from the yolks. We pour the proteins into a clean, dry bowl and whisk the mixer first at minimum speed. As soon as a small uniform foam appears, increase the speed and whisk it until thick and strong peaks. Then, whilst continuing to beat, we pour a little sugar to the squirrels. To the yolks, add the remaining sugar and mix whisk until the mass in the volume increases several times and whiten. We sift the flour well.

To the yolks, add a little whipped proteins and mix, so that the mass does not lose its splendor. Then pour in the flour, put the honey, the remaining proteins and knead the homogeneous dough.

Now we take the demountable form for baking, we cover the sides and the bottom with the baking paper and pour out the prepared mass, evenly, distributing. We put for 35 minutes in a preheated to 180 degrees oven. We check the readiness of the cake with a match or a skewer. Next, biscuit cut into 3 identical parts. Walnuts are crushed to produce crumbs. The condensed milk is mixed with nuts and greased the cake with this cream. That's all, honey cake with walnuts is ready.